The only difference between falling in love and being in love is that your heart already knows how you feel, but your mind is too stubborn to admit it....
It’s not that I can’t live without you; it’s that I don’t want to. There’s a difference. We all make choices in life and I choose you.My heart belongs to you. And I’m not asking for it back, even if you...
There is an emotional promiscuity we’ve noticed among many good young men and women. The young man understands something of the journey of the heart. He wants to talk, to “share the journey.” The woman is grateful to be pursued, she...
Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them....
The only calibration that counts is how much heart people invest, how much they ignore their fears of being hurt or caught out or humiliated. And the only thing people regret is that they didn’t live boldly enough, that they didn’t...