The poor things keep calling in those – those pumbles, I think they’re called – you know, the ones who mend pipes and things – “”Plumbers?”” – exactly, yes, but of course they’re flummoxed....
How can you protect yourself by carrying a sword if you don’t know how to use it?’Not me, sir. Other people. They see the sword and don’t attack me,’ said Maladict patiently.Yes, but if they did, lad, you wouldn’t be any...
In our civilization, and under our republican form of government, intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office....
A few said they’d be horses. Most said they’d be some sort of cat. My friend said she’d like to come back as a porcupine. I don’t like crowds, she said....
In Paris they just simply opened their eyes and stared when we spoke to them in French! We never did succeed in making those idiots understand their own language....
I didn’t know you had a girlfriend, Griggs.” Anson Choi feigns surprise. “What’s her name?””I didn’t actually catch her name,” Griggs continues.”Lily,” Raffaela says over her shoulder and this time I give her a sideways look.”Great to know that I’m in...
Nozy Cat lifted one sleepy eyelid, and his marble blue eye glared at her for interrupting his sacred nap. He wore a yellow collar with little red stars printed on it. His second eyelid also opened, and he gave them his...