What would Jesus say? That’s probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you’re trying to figure out what to say to that cute girl or guy you’ve been eyeing up in church. But never fear! We’re here to help with a list of Christian pick up lines that are sure to break the ice and get you a date.
From harmless and funny to flirty and romantic, we’ve got a line for every situation. So whether you’re looking for a date to the Easter service or you’re trying to take things to the next level, we’ve got you covered.
Christian Pick Up Lines

Here are some of the best Christian Pick Up Lines that you can use on your crush.
- How many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?
- I didn’t know angels flew this low.
- I’m no Joseph… perhaps you can help me interpreting the dreams I’ve been having about you?
- If you got any hotter, God would have to send another flood.
- Is it a sin that you stole my heart?
- Is your name Faith? Cause you’re the substance of things I’ve hoped for.
- Is your name Milk or Honey? Because you seem like something I was promised.
- You are so unblemished that I would sacrifice you.
- Hey girl, for you, I’d slay two Goliaths.
- Am I on the road to Damascus? Because your beauty is blinding!
- Are you a prayer warrior? I’d like to go to battle alongside you.
- Are you called to follow Christ? I think I’m called to follow you.
- Aye girl. Gimme Psalm of that.
- Baby, you’re just like water … Except Jesus turned you into fine.
- Bathsheba has NOTHING on you Girl!
- Be with me and I promise I won’t live 100s of years like these Biblical guys.
- Bible Gateway happens to be my homepage!
- Both of us would be a miracle together. Just like the loaves and fishes.
- Call me Joshua, because I’m going to break down your walls.
- Can I add you to my prayer list? I’ll need your name and number.
- Could it be a sin that you stole my heart?
- Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
- Did you say your name was Esther? Oh, I guess I just think you were chosen for such a time as this.
- Do you know how I can volunteer with the Sunday School? I really love kids.
- Do you need prayer? Because I’m certainly willing to lay hands on you.
- Do you want to be accountability partners?
- Doesn’t the Bible say to ‘greet one another with a holy kiss?
- Don’t walk away! You may not think I’m much but Jesus thinks I’m to die for!
- For you I would slay two Goliaths!
- For you, I would even part the Red sea.
Funniest Christian Pick Up Lines
- God has my mind and heart, but don’t worry he will share.
- God was just showing off when he made you.
- Have my number and call me whenever you need a prayer.
- Here I am, the answer to your prayers.
- Hey girl, are you familiar with Fordyce’s sermons?
- Hey girl, are you, Abraham? ‘Cause I wanna bless you with many children.
- Hey girl, God commands us to be fruitful and multiply. What do you say?
- Hey girl, I heard Jesus called you. Can I do the same?
- Hey girl, I’m Will. God’s ‘will’ for you.

- Hey girl, reading Leviticus with you was so fun! Let’s do that again!
- Hey girl, whenever I read Proverb 31, I think about you.
- Hey girl, your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead.
- Hey girl. Bathsheba had nothing on you.
- Hey girl. Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to sit next to you during the prayer so that we can hold hands.
- Hey girl. I heard Jesus called you. Mind I do the same?
- Hey girl. Unfortunately, I can’t perform miracles, and I only have enough fish and bread for two people…
- Hi. My name is Will… God’s Will.
- How would you like to join my purpose driven life?
- I asked my prayer group to pray for our future together.
- I believe one of my ribs belongs to you.
- I contribute to the offering, but I’d like to contribute my life to you.
- I dreamt of you. Like Joseph, can you help me interpret what it means?
- I feel like God is telling me that you should go on a date with me.
- I have to wear sunglasses when I’m around you because your halo shines so bright.
- I just don’t feel called to celibacy.
- I know God is in your heart, is there room for me?
- I know it’s absurd, but every time I walk toward you, it feels like I’m being led to Bethlehem.
- I know Moses parted the Red Sea, but baby ain’t nothing parting you and I.
- I know you’re not the mother of Jesus but I’d like to “Mary” you.
- I know you’ve accepted Jesus into your heart, but is there still room for me?
Best Christian Pick Up Lines
- I know you’re not the mother of Jesus but I’d like to “Mary” you.
- I know you’ve accepted Jesus into your heart, but is there still room for me?
- I know you’ve already said no once, but call me Joshua because I’m going to break down your walls.
- I put the “stud” in bible study.
- I was a firm believer of natural theology, but I have changed into divine revelation the moment I met you.
- I was unaware that angels live by our side.
- I wish you were in the choir, then I’d never fall asleep in church
- I would leave 99 sheep to come and find you… and then I would carry you home joyfully on my shoulder
- I would leave the 99 to come find you!
- I would slay two giants for you!
- I’m usually not very prophetic, but I can see you and I together.
- I’d like to get to know you biblically.
- I’d like to pray for you, can I lay hands on you?
- I’m a proverbs 32 kind of guy and you’re a proverbs 31 kinda woman…

- I’m no Joseph… perhaps you can help me interpret the dreams I’ve been having about you?
- I’m not usually prophetic but I can totally see us together!
- I’m pretty much considered an elder in the congregation these days.
- I’m usually not very prophetic, but I can see us together.
- If it’s true that you should love your neighbor, I’m gonna buy the house right next to yours.
- If we were around Noah right now, he would definitely pair us together.
- If we were around with Noah … then you, me … pair!
- If you say no, I will rip out my hair and my beard.
- If you were the pastor I’d be here every week in the front row.
- If you’re looking for a man with good credit, Jesus paid my debt.
- Is it hot in here or is that just the Holy Spirit burning inside of you?
- Is your name Faith? Because you are the substance of things I’ve hoped for!
- It’s obvious to me that you sprouted from the good kinda soil.
- Jesus loves me, one day you will too!
- Joseph could interpret dreams, but I know how to BBQ
Cheesy Christian Pick Up Lines
- Let me check your tag… Yep, just as I thought – Made In Heaven.
- Let me sell you an indulgence because it’s a sin to look as good as you do.
- Let’s make our own private small group to study the word.
- Let’s scan the Bible and pick out baby names.
- Look, you’re nearly 22. Most Christians are 3 years into marriage by now… just settle for me.
- Me and You … Song of Songs … the remix!
- My friend told me to come and meet you. He said you’re a really nice person. I think you know him. Jesus, yeah that’s his name.
- My name is Will, God’s ‘Will” for you!
- Now I know why Solomon had 700 wives… because he never met you.
- Oh, hi there. I’m Will. God’s Will for you, that is.
- One of my ribs belongs to a beautiful lady. And it’s you.
- Reading Philippians 4:8 reminds me of you.
- So uh, what’re you doing for the rest of you eternity?
- The word says “Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry”…How about dinner?
- Unfortunately I cant perform miracles and I’ve only got enough bread and fish for 2 people.
- Want to practice speaking in tongues with me? Here’s my number… Call me if you need prayer.
- We should hang out for eternity.
- What’s your name and number so I can add you to my “prayer” list?
- When I read Philippians 4:8, I think about you!
- When I saw my prayers at night, you’re always something I’m thankful for.
- Would you join my Purpose Driven Life?
- You are definitely an Egyptian coz I’m becoming a slave of yours.
- You are hot, we need another flood from God to cool us down.
- You made me a better Christian.
- You make me a better tither.
- You make me feel like Samson with his hair cut off: weak in the knees.
- You make me want to be a better Christian.
- You make the Queen of Sheba look like a hobo.
- You really are a fisher of men. And baby, you just reeled me in.
- You. Me. Song of Songs: The Remix.
- You’re 22? Most Christians are 3 years into marriage by now so why don’t you just settle for me?
- Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead.
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