Best 70+ Alcohol Pick Up Lines [Beer, Whiskey, Tequila]
Alcohol Pick Up Lines:- Are you an alcoholic lover? If yes then this post is just for you. Sometimes people need alcohol to gain the courage to flirt with their crush. But sometimes the only thing you need is a good pick up line. Use these alcohol or beer related pick up lines to help you start a good conversation.
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You’re not drunk until you make out with me.
Call me if you want someone to share that beer with.
Do you want to have a drink and have sex with me? No? What about just sex?
Does that Farmer’s Tan extend to your Southern Tier?
Hey baby, would a little more alcohol catalyze this reaction?
Have you tried the (drink) here? It’s terrific!
I’m officially drunk enough for you to take advantage of me.
This isn’t a beer belly, it’s a fuel tank for my love machine.
For the price of that drink, you could have had me for the night.
Do you want a drink? Yes? Me too, please give me a double whiskey, 5 shots of tequila, and a large beer.
Hi there, are you drinking a mixed drink? Mind if I join you.
Hey, do you like cocktails? Because I think you and I should mix.
Do you like dancing? Me too…My favorite dance is kind of a slow one, but a high form of art. It starts seated while moving one arm from a horizontal position to vertical many times, later it turns into something best described as crawling and it ends in a motionless pose on the floor. It’s such a catchy dance that even the bouncers of this bar usually join me. You want me to show you? (Alcohol Pick Up Lines)
I look like you need another drink.
Baby, you’re the hot ass in my shot glass.
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ToggleDrinking Pick Up Lines
I can’t believe they don’t serve Everclear in this place! (If you wanna show you’re a badass, Everclear contains 100% alcohol)
Are you going to finish that? (pointing at her/his drink)
I’ve had quite a bit to drink, and you’re beginning to look pretty good.
Can I ask you a personal question? Beer or wine?
Excuse me, but I just ordered a bottle of (drink), and it turns out my friend can’t make it after all. I’d hate for it to go to waste. Would you care to join me?
Alcohol doesn’t expire, and neither will my love for you.
Do you like blow jobs or sex on the beach? I’m talking cocktails of course. Do you want a drink? Yes? Me too, please give me a double whiskey, 5 shots of tequila, and a large beer.
Listen, ladies, I don’t wash my hair with shampoo. I wash my hair with champagne.
Can someone get me a bucket because I see a tall drink of margarita?
Excuse me. My friend here and I are debating about which of these (drinks) is better. What do you think?
Tequila Pick Up Lines
Greetings. Would it be satisfactory to purchase you an alcohol-induced beverage and maybe reproduce together afterward?
Hi there, are you drinking a glass of wine? I love to travel how about you? (Alcohol Pick Up Lines)
Do you want a drink? Yes? Me too, please give me a double whiskey, 5 shots of tequila and a large beer.
Hi there, are you drinking a beer? Would like to join me in a game of pool?
In medieval times my beer belly would be a sign of prosperity and attractiveness, what do you think?
Do you like blow jobs or sex on the beach? I’m talking cocktails of course.
And I thought the beer was good here…
Here are 50 euros. Drink until I’m good looking and then come talk to me.
Hi there, are you drinking a glass of wine? I love to travel how about you?
I like my women like I like my stouts: Smooth, Rich, and Always making me come back for more.
Look I’m just trying to drink here, but you’re very distracting.
For the price of that drink, you could have had me for the night.
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Whiskey Pick Up Lines
Hi there, are you drinking a beer? Would you like to join me in a game of pool?
Hey! You owe me a drink. I dropped mine when you walked by.
Baby, you put the ‘hot ass’ in my shot glass.
What do you say I buy the booze and you show me how to shake it.
Here is R100. Drink until I am really good looking, then come to talk to me.
Did you steal my beer? That one looks just like the one I was drinking.
Are you a frozen margarita? Because you just made my brain stop working.
You are the vodka to my shot glass.
When you’re done with that beer shall we play spin the bottle? (Alcohol Pick Up Lines)
Here is R100. Drink until I am really good-looking, then come to talk to me.
Sure I could buy you a drink, but I’d be jealous of the glA$.
Am I drunk or are you really that beautiful?
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Margarita Pick Up Line
Excuse me, but I just ordered a bottle of (drink), and it turns out my friend can’t make it after all. I’d hate for it to go to waste. Would you care to join me?
I can’t believe they don’t serve Everclear in this place!
I think all the bottles in this bar must be jealous, cause your beauty is the most intoxicating thing in this place.
Do you want to have a drink and have sex with me? No? What about just sex?
I’m really good with a screwdriver…
Did you slip some Fireball into my drink, or are you just getting hotter?
Sure I could buy you a drink, but I’d be jealous of the glass.
For the price of that drink, you could have had me for the night.
Here’s $20. Drink until I’m good-looking and then come talk to me.
I’m letting girls take body shots off my amazing torso for 5 euros. How many can I count you in for?
Did you steal my beer? That one looks just like the one I was drinking.
Excuse me. I am not sure if you’re aware but I’m extremely attractive.
Hi there, is that tequila shot? Let’s take the party back to my room. (Alcohol Pick Up Lines)
What do you say we get out of here? I bet you’re way better to wake up next to than a hangover.
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Beer Pick Up Lines
I see you’ve got some tequilas. Does that mean you wanna give me a shot?
Kiss me, we’re both drunk and won’t remember it tomorrow.
Hi there, is that tequila shot? Let’s take the party back to my room.
Ah.. Stella my friend, where have you been all
I’m really good with a screwdriver…
Did you slip some Fire-whiskey into my drink, or are you just getting hotter?
Have you tried the (drink) here? It’s terrific!
Here’s $20. Drink until I’m good looking and then come talk to me.
Alcohol doesn’t expire, and neither will my love for you.
Am I drunk or are you really that beautiful?
Do you like blow jobs or sex on the beach? I’m talking cocktails of course.
This isn’t a beer belly, it’s a fuel tank for my love machine. (Alcohol Pick Up Lines)
Can I ask you a personal question? Beer or wine?
Most men/women are intimidated by me. It’s okay, you don’t have to be scared to buy me a drink.
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