69 Finance Pick Up Lines {Bank, Corporate, Money}
Finance pick up lines:- Finding the best flirty phrases to impress your finance officer or manager. Then this post is just for you. Today we have collected some of the best flirty, funny, dirty and best finance pick up lines.
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Best Pick Up Lines For Finance Manager
After a little restructuring let’s just I’d rate you a buy all day.
Allow me to introduce myself: I am “borrower,” and you must be “lender.”
Baby, I love you so much I’m willing to forgo my exit option.
Baby, the way you support free markets stimulates growth in my private sector!
Baby, you’re not an option… you’re totally a future!
Before we do this I have to ask, what sort of tail risk am I looking at?
Bottom up or top down? Copy This.
Call me your mutual fund, honey. Because with you, I’m showing interest.
Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money?
Come into my office and let’s take a look at your statements.
Did I tell you I’m filthy rich and my mother’s dead?
Did you just rob a bank cuz I can be your getaway.
Do you have a bank account? You must! Im saving all my love for you.
Do you like to role play? I’ll be the banking industry and you can play the American people.
Future projections put you at overweight but I’m still saying buy tonight.
Girl you are so hot you are like my LBO MODEL Copy This.
Girl, are you a stock? Because you sure like bouncing a lot!
Good thing I just bought term life insurance… because I saw you and my heart stopped!
Hey girl, would you be receptive to my takeover bid?
Hey there, can I WACC you off
Read More:- Loan Pick Up Lines
Flirty Finance Pick Up Lines
I have a feeling you really understand the “nature of the firm.”
I have a small penis, but a big bank account.
I have an emergency fund and I want to spend a little on you.
I hope I haven’t given you the wrong impression. I’m actually taller and richer than I look.
I hope you’re a bear, because I’m going to go down on you.
I just bought a bass boat with cash … and it’s a good thing, because you’re quite a catch!
I never co-sign anything. But I’d love to co-sign your marriage license.
I think you’ll find the delta between myself and others to be significant
I want to restructure you
Girl, I don’t need to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to know you’re worth the investment.
Fraud makes me sad while you make me glad.
Unbalanced accounts are near misses. Perfect, though, are my hugs and kisses.
Debits are left and credits are right, when I first looked at you it was love at first sight.
Cutie, let’s role play. I’ll be the banking industry while you’ll be the American people in 2008.
Girl, you must be a CDO with all that junk in your tranche.
Let’s go into my office because I want to see your statements.
Up or down?
The S&P was in red, but I wasn’t blue, because I shorted the market and went long on you
Hey, I bought $SNAP at IPO. You like strap-ons?
Hey hun, can I buy some puts? ‘Cause I’d love to watch you go down.
If you were a leveraged ETF, I’d hold you longer than a week
I hope you’re a bear because I’m going to go down on you.
A few banker pick up lines you can use on your next meet-up:
I’ll be your debit if you’ll be my credit.
Are you a bank? ‘Cause girl, you’ve got my interest
Just because I’m not a hedge fund manager doesn’t mean I can’t manage those assets.
Do you have a bank account? You must have because I’m saving all my love for you.
You must be debt because my interest in you is definitely growing.
And, at last, here are a few pick up lines about money:
Read More:- Lawyer Pick Up Lines
Dirty Finance Pick Up Lines
I’m not typically this tall, I’m simply sitting on my wallet
Child, would i be able to get you a beverage or you simply need the cash?
Is your FICO assessment terrible? Because you look great to me.
Would i be able to store my number into your telephone?
Hello child, assuming I let you know that you have a lovely body, would it work on your confidence to an edge at which you’d care very little about me?
Dollface, we should pretend. I’ll be the financial business while you’ll be the American individuals in 2008.
Hello child, you can call me your edge call, make I’m going f*ck the poop out of you.
Hello hun, would i be able to get a few puts? Because I’d love to watch you go down.
Could I back this adoration until it becomes lovelier than a pile of gold coins?
Hello, I purchased $SNAP at IPO. You like tie ons?
I need to put every one of my sentiments in you and delay until it develops into an all the more valuable thing.
Could I back this second and acquire when we burrow the fortune later?
I trust you’re a bear since I will go down on you.
Could we simply contribute our adoration first and partake in the our rewards for so much hard work later?
I was checking out you for a short press, however it was actually your organic resources that made me go long.
I could never imagine pulling out this beautiful second with you.
I’m not A MD, but rather I actually need to Call you into my office and Put my D(gaz) in U(gaz).
Assuming that I had a penny for each time I consider you, I’d be in the higher duty section.
I need to ensure your stunning excellence like I would secure the most valuable diamond on the planet.
Assuming you were a utilized ETF, I’d hold you for longer than an end of the week.
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