130+ Flirting Questions To Ask a Girl Over Text {TESTED}
Flirting takes a lot of practice, but what if you know what to say or ask? It gets easy, right? But the problem is finding some flirty questions to ask a girl is difficult.
Well don’t worry, this post is all about flirting questions to ask a girl over text. In this post, you will find some of the most useful and flirty questions that will increase your chances of impressing a girl. However, you must read all the questions below and choose the most relevant one.
Flirting Questions To Ask a Girl Over Text
- Do you like to flirt with guys?
- What’s your most embarrassing sex story?
- When was your first kiss with someone?
- What makes you tick?
- What is your favorite way to wake up?
- What do you like about me?
- Would you like to watch dirty videos?
- If someone was really good looking, but couldn’t make you laugh – would you still be interested?
- What is the biggest lesson you have learned from a past relationship?
- I want to know everything about you. Where would you like to start?

- Do you worry about the future?
- How likely are you to make the first move with me?
- When will I get to kiss you for the first time?
- What are you resisting?
- Are you a fighter or a lover?
- Are you ticklish?
- Who do you think is my celebrity look-alike?
- What is something about you that people would never guess?
- Do you think it’s a man’s job to protect his woman? Do you think I could protect you?
- You know you’re amazing right?
- What is your favorite memory so far of spending time with me?
- Wait, are you flirting with me right now?
- If you had to sing a song for me, what would you sing?
- What 3 items you couldn’t live without?
- Who is your favorite actor?
- What’s behind that smile of yours I wonder?
- What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve done?
- What is your favorite body part of mine?
- Do you prefer dressing casually or getting glammed up?
- Do you prefer guys dressing casual or smart?
- What does it feel like to you when we’re lying next to each other?
- What is the one thing I cannot believe about you?
- What do you do when you’re bored?
- What’s the best chat up line you’ve heard?
- What is the sexiest accent a man can have?
- Where did you get eyes like that?
- Do you think you could fall in love tonight?
- Do you think I could meet your lofty standards?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?

- Are you shy or more outgoing?
- What’s your type?
- Who’s your biggest celebrity crush/hall pass?
- Did you save this seat for me?
- Do you have a go-to style or method to make someone like you?
- What are the most romantic questions to ask a girl?
- What is the right atmosphere for the perfect kiss?
- Do you prefer to make the first move?
- What is the perfect date?
- How high up does this date rank amongst them all?
- How many dates have you been on this year?
- What would your ideal Valentine’s Day look like?
- What kind of trouble are you getting into tonight?
- What is the most played song on your phone?
- Why are you looking at me at that?
- Where do you stand between beauty and brains?
- Have you ever been with a celebrity?
- What’s your worst habit you want to overcome?
- At what age do you think people should think of settling down?
- What’s the worst joke you’ve ever heard?
- At which place on your body you like being touched the most?
- Are you good at keeping secrets?
- Rate my flirting so far out of 10?
- What do you prefer to sleep in? A tee shirt, night gown or…?
- What’s the worst most cringey flirting you’ve ever tried to do?
- Do you fall in love fast?
- Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

- What are you doing still up at this time?
- Where should we go for our first international trip?
- What is your favorite holiday/food?
- What are total no-go’s for relationships?
- Do you sing in the shower?
- Which fictional couple is an example of a perfect relationship?
- What is your dream home like?
- If you could meet any celebrity, who would you choose?
- You make me smile. Can I return the favor?
Questions To Ask a Girl Over Text
- Want to go on an adventure together?
- What do you think is the most attractive quality in a person?
- How can I get to know you more?
- What is the most fun way to wake up in the morning?
- If you had only two minutes with me, what would you want to do?
- What did you enjoy about being single that you would like to keep in our relationship?
- Can you name three things that always make you smile?
- What do you wish every guy had?
- What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
- Do you think ladies should make the first move when it comes to intimacy?
- How many times in your life have you been in love?
- How much do you focus on your dates outfit when you meet them?
- Would you date someone completely opposite to your type, just to see?
- What are your favorite spots in town to hang out?
- Have you noticed me noticing you yet?
- What decision do you still regret making to this day?
- What is your favorite place for making love?

- Have you been in a serious relationship before?
- Do you think your flirting is always successful?
- Want to know a secret?
- Do you believe in soulmates?
- What was the last moment that made you lost for words?
- Is it too early to tell you how amazing I feel around you?
- Which musical artist would you be most excited to find out was playing near you?
- What would you say if I asked you out to dinner?
- Would you describe yourself as a night owl?
- What was the last book you read? I’ll read it too and then we can talk about it.
- Did you ever have the hots for a teacher?
- How do you soothe your mind? Spa or music?
- What is your craziest date idea?
- What’s your “spirit animal”?
- What do you do when you spend time alone?
- Do you think there is an attraction between us?
- Are you a party girl or a stay at home and binge-watch Netflix kind of girl?
- What am I thinking of right now? Guess.
- How you doin’?
- Where would you like me to massage you?
- If you only had 24 hours to live what would you do?
- How would you least like to be proposed to?
- When are you free next?
- What age did you first date someone? How was the relationship?
- Want to go on an adventure together one day?
- What was the last show you binge-watched?
- What age were you first intimate with a guy?
- How do you know when you are in love with someone?
- What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?

- Can you play a musical instrument?
- Can you tell me more about your love life?
- Do you like taking baths or showers?
- So, when are you going to let me take you on a date?
- What superpower do you wish you had?
- What’s your Instagram?
- How is a girl as unique as you not taken?
- What do you love most about yourself?
- What is your idea of a boring date?
- How often do you miss me?
- How does it feel to fall in love with someone?
- Do you prefer watching the sunrise or sunset?
- If I kiss you right now, what would you do? Will you be mad at me?
- When did you first share a kiss with someone?
- If I asked you out, would you say yes?
- What’s a girl like you doing on an app like this?
- Want to hear a secret?
- Do you think you can fall in love with someone at first sight?
- Can you send me your favorite animated GIF?
- How many of those do you wish you could forget?
- Whatcha doing right now?
- Would you ever change your city or career for the right partner?
- What are you thinking of right now?
- What are you wearing right now?
- Do you think our kids would be cute?
- Do you like me?
- Where’s the most bizarre place you’ve hooked up with someone?
- Wanna get outta here?
- Do you ever daydream? What about?
- Do you think we’d be a happy couple or annoy the hell out of each other?
- Do you have any brushes with celebrity when it comes to flirting?
- Do you enjoy being massaged? How would you like a massage from me?
We hope you like our Flirting Questions To Ask a Girl Over Text collections. If you do then please let us know with your comments. Also if you find this post helpful then share this video with your friends.
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