Short love status for Whatsapp in English

Short love status for WhatsApp in english: If you want too make your love one feel special by uploading simple and short love status for whatsapp in english. Do you want to impress your love one with your impressive, lovely and romantic message. Get likes instantly replay on your love one on your status on WhatApp.
- Light is easy to love. Show me your darkness.
- If i had one wish
I want you to be mine ; forever - Thank you so much my eustass-ya
- Thank you so much babe!!
- be kind to yourself, the world is cruel enough.
- There is a madness in loving you, a lack of reason that makes it feel so flawless.
- Behind every heartless person, there’s a sweet person who got tired of everyone’s bullying
- Im lucky.
- forgetful: you or me?
- When it’s the right time …
ToggleShort Love Status for Husband
- The world goes round
- We pretend to be just friends, but we both know that isn’t true.
- You’re prettier than flower, that’s why I didn’t return you back.
- Her angel eyes saw the good in many devils.
- What’s a queen without her king? Well, historically speaking, more powerful.
- Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
- Before you fall in love with me, unlove everyone in your past.
- If love was easy and painless,
no poet would write about it. - a stone’s throw away my cup of tea …
- Meet the ‘hoody moody’
Read More:- Best WhatsApp Status In English
Fb Love status 2021
- Be like the moon.
Not always full,
but always beautiful. - Pretty is the soul that love more.
- I love you in all fours 💕
- Be a warrior not a worrier.
- Sometimes I still think
Did I even make your heart wink? - i just want your smile back …
- the way i see it …
you’ll stay forever. - Let me think of you all the time.
I want to find a way to the palace of your heart. - We can all get through this
- Of the many reasons, riot can also be an acronym for Racism Ignited Over Time
- None of you deserve to be forgiven
- Sunset with my Love is so prettyy uwu
- Thank you love.
- why talk when nobody listening
- not mine, but felt the pic and text intertwine
- I’m exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel.
- He was an angel, that’s why God take him back.
- Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
- Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.
- Embrace the glorious mess that you are.
Short Whatsapp Status Love
- One day or day one. It’s your decision.
- It’s not what we have in life but who we have in our life that matters.
- Seeing you happy is everything to me.
- Once you stop repeating the same mistakes over and over again, you will be happier.
- We cried for someone who didn’t love us on the shoulders of someone who did.
- This pain is more hurt than everything .
- Just because my path is different , it doesn’t mean I’m lost .
- I wonder how many times I forgive someone just because I’m afriad of losing the person .
- Because that’s just what people do. They replace.
- Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.
Short Love Status for Him
- You will be fine soon;
I promise. - Don’t beg for love that you deserve, because the right person will give you the world
- If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it.
- I can sense it. And i you love me.
- I love you no matter what.
- Stay with me in my worst time.
- I am your. Just say yes.
- I have one question in my mind do you like me or love me.
- Sup boy love u.
- Don’t act like you truly love me. I can sense it. And i know it’s not.
Final Note:- These short love short love status for WhatsApp in English will help you to make your relations ship more strong but if you want more tips to make click here.
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