Best Thought for WhatsApp Status

Searching for the best thought for WhatsApp status in English?
Don’t worry here are the best thoughts in English for your status:-
- I just don’t care anymore
- The heart is the only instrument……
- deep down I missed u
- I just wanna be happy to the point I forget everything I’ve been through
- Invisible tears are the hardest to wipe away
- U never get over it
- Stop comparing me to the ppl
- We all die
- U know me yesterday,u don’t know me anymore
- They just want me broke
- It’s hard living when living is the last thing you want to do
- I never wanna let u go
- Guys unmute the channel it’s affecting the view
- I Am a human being too, I do also fail but at least am not fake
- Don’t worry about hurting my feelings
- Don’t let this world change ur smile
- Hate 2 be different but hate 2 be normal
- It’s killing me
- Ur direction is more important than ur speed
- I like being single
- I gave u more than I gave myself so loyal to u that I betrayed myself
- U can’t make someone Luv. All u can do is be someone who can be loved.
- Don’t let ur body defined ur soul let your soul define your body.
- The world is happy with u
Read More:- Best English Status for WhatsApp
ToggleAttitude WhatsApp status Thoughts in English
- I might be the writer but you’ll always be the worlds.
- Show me u r not like the rest.
- I want soul connection.
- Sick of pretending.
- 1 day u gonna miss how much i cared abt u.
- Don’t get too attached to people.
- We’re a depressed generation.
- I might forgive you a lot but I’ll only trust u once.
- Loving u is worse
- I want to hold ur hands.
- All u got is ur self.
- Sometimes u just need to hear how important u r for someone.
- Upgrade from single to alone
- I dnt live 4 the wrld.
- I started using my heart less.
- No time for lies.
- Never comfort me with lie.
- It’s not ur fault for hurting me it’s mine.
- I’M over protective.
- Most important things in my life.
- Some shits just don’t worth getting mad for anymore.
- We all are bad in someones story.
- I’d rather attempt to do something.
- I won’t let u close to hurt me.
- you just did and it’s incredible
wish you was alive. we love you.
Motivational WhatsApp status thought in English
- Music takes us where words can’t.
- I tried but that didn’t work.
- Deeply in luv with everything abt u.
- Ur memories destroy me.
- You won’t break me
- I’m not ok but i pretend
- You drew memories in my mind.
- Owww shit!!!!! y’all better make urselves 3k again.
- Sometimes u better off not knowing.
- Mistakes can make u grow.
- You broke me when i busy on fixing u.
- “Everything that breaks u down can also build ur character”
- Luv is the most fucked up drug.
- I don’t wanna hear sorries.
- Why do u need me when i don’t need u?
- Nobody got me like i got me.
- Memories stay people don’t
- Too much always hurts too much.
- You look so happy when um not with u.
- Trying to find who i was being everything i wasnt.
- Nothing hurts more than luv.
- There’s no light inside me strong enough to resist the darkness.
- Don’t beg anyone to stay in ur life.
- I wish I can uninstall my feelings.
Short Whatsapp thoughts in English
- Too much pain
- Um only responsible for what i say.
- Care less U will be stressess.
- Keep ur feelings no one cares
- I need to be saved too.
- I recived pain.
- U can’t play me for trying.
- Only i can do that.
- Sick of trying.
- If u are searching for a person that will change ur life take alook in the mirror
- broken legs but i chase perfection.
- I’m just a bad guy
- corona or no corona stay away from ppl is a good idea.
- Confidence is the key.
- Ur growth scares ppl who don’t wanna to change.
- Fuck the world.
- I poison myself till i feel nothing in my soul.
- Great minds think alone.
- I care too much in a world that cares too little.
- Lost in questions that i can’t answer.
- A thing you hide in your heart eats you alive.
- I’m in the box.
- A lot in my mind but I can’t describe
Status in English for whatsApp Thoughts.
- The real u is who u r when ain’t nobody watching.
- am just another person.
- Things will never be the same….
- There’s always someone who can make us weak.
- Even Good ppl r great at making bad decisions.
- Not in the mood is always my mood.
- My heart belongs to u.
- I push away the people that i love the most why???
- I shouldn’t have to die to feel live.
- I don’t wanna say i miss u…
- The journey teaches a lot
- You gave me wings to fly then took away my sky.
- Everything you love gonna leave.
- I can’t make u stay.
- Money hiest in fana…
- Every night i live and die.
- What r u so afraid of me ?
- Every day may not be good but there’s something Good in every day ….good morning.
- Don’t blame urself for shit.
- I luv the feeling i get whn um with u…
- If god doesn’t fix the problem he’s using the problem to fix u.
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