Dessert Pick Up Lines:- Impress anyone with the best desert pick up lines for your crush. If you want to start a good conversation with your crush in the desert then here are some best lines you can use. Being flirty is a very difficult task but with the help of the right pick up lines, you can impress anyone at any time.
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Best Desert Pick Up Lines
- Lick me, I’m mint!
- Why, baby, you’re dessert.
- Can I double stuff your Oreo?
- You put the ‘hot’ in hot fudge sundae.
- Are you a cake? Cause I want a piece of that.
- No Hunny, looking at you is dessert enough for me.
- I love you more than ice cream. (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
- When I look at you, my cream gets whipped, my banana gets split, and my spoon feels licked.
- Want to come by my place? I have something delicious on my dessert menu. Me’n’u.
- If you were a dessert, I would drizzle a balsamic reduction all over you.
- I’ll make you dinner. I’ll make you breakfast. But in between, we’ll have to have some dessert. And I’m a physics major.
- You must be frozen yogurt because I want to spoon you.
- Now I know what a hot fudge sundae lacks. A hot slice of you.
- We’re like cocoa and marshmallows. You’re extremely hot, and I want to be on top of you.
- How is sex like a banana split? I split my legs, and you can pop my cherry. (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
- You must be an ice cream because you give me a brain freeze and lots of happy hormones.
- If we were ice-cream scoops, we would be one big bowl of sweet.
- You could never be ice cream because you are too hot!
- Are you peanut butter? Because every time I see you, my legs turn to jelly.
- I’ll make you dinner. I’ll make you breakfast. But in between, we’ll have to have some dessert. And I’m a physics major.
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Dirty Pick Up Lines For Dessert Party
- You’re so sweet, I just want you for dessert.
- What sort of ice cream would you be? *Wait for reply* Answer: I think I’d be a pecan ice cream because I’m nuts for you!
- Hey excuse me, there’s something wrong with my menu.
- I love you like how I love my sorbet – juicy.
- You must be my favorite dessert, cuz I can eat you all day. Bahaha….eh (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
- You must be my favorite dessert cause I can eat you all day!
- Nice ice cream you got there, If that’s your dessert, do you wanna be mine?
- I’d love to take you out for dinner… And/orra dessert
- I like women like my sorbet – sweet and juicy.
- I brought you a small spoon, in case you wanted to sample my flavor.
- You’re so sweet, i just want you for dessert.
- What do you think about this pickup line?
- Do you want to have sex with me? It’s like an ice cream. Even when it’s pretty bad, it’s still good.
- I’m not a dessert person But I have a sweet tooth for you.
- It must be hot in here…cause you’re making me melt.
- What sort of ice cream would you be? Wait for a reply Answer: I think I’d be a pecan ice cream because I’m nuts for you!
- You’re like a box of chocolates. Wait for them to ask why Because I want to take your top off and eat you up.
- Now, how about some dessert? (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
- Want to hear a bad ice-cream pick-up line? Cone me.
- Are you Choco Taco? Because I bet, everyone wants you.
Read More:- Ice Cream Pick Up Lines
Chessy Dessert Pick Up Lines
- Are you a peanut butter? Because every time I see you, my legs turn to jelly.
- I’m not a dessert person. But I have a sweet tooth for you
- I like my women like I like my dessert: dripping down my fingers.
- You must be made from ice-cream because all I want to do is eat you up. (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
- We could make beautiful ice cream together. You bring the frozen yogurt, and I let you dip it into my hot fudge.
- You must be frozen yogurt, because I want to spoon you.
- Baby, you must’ve just been churned, cause you’re looking so fresh.
- Are you Choco Taco? Because everyone wants you.
- You’re so smooth you’re making me lose my chips!
- You’re my favorite type of candy: half sweet and half nuts.
- Nice ice cream you got there, If that’s your dessert, do you wanna be mine?
- You’re so sweet, i just want you for dessert.
- You could never be ice cream, because you are too hot!
- I want you more than a Hagen-Daas on a hot summer day.
- Sorry, I took so long in getting back to you. I had to see my dentist because you’re so sweet.
- My blood sugar is so high. If you were a vampire, I’d be dessert. EDIT: dessert
- I must be made of pecan pralines, cause I am NUTS for you!
- Are you made of ice cream? Because I can’t wait to eat you up!
- You must be made from ice cream because all I want to do is eat you up.
- Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day, but I’m asking for only one.
- What is your favorite ice cream? *Wait for reply* Answer: My favorite is a waffle cone and three scoops of you.
- Are you Rocky Road? Because I would like nothing more than to pave you. (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
- Are your cake? Cause I want a piece of that.
- Want to come by my place and have sex? I have a cake upstairs.
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You can also send these Dessert Pick Up Lines as a flirty message to your crush but please don’t forget to tell us after you succeed.
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