70+ Ice Cream Pick Up Lines
Ice cream Pick Up Lines: – If you want to use some good flirty phrases for a person who loves ice cream then here are some of the best lines you can use. Which this line you can get any girl or boy you want.
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Best Ice Cream Pick Up Lines
Cone me.
I got ice cream upstairs. Wanna fuck?
Do you want fries with that milk shake!
I love you like how I love my sorbet – juicy.
I scream, you scream, we both scream… in bed.
Lick lick lick lick lick me like a popsicle.
You put the ‘hot’ in hot fudge sundae
Do you like frozen yogurt/ice cream? Because you have it around your lips. (Ice Cream Pick Up Lines)
Hey girl. Are you ice cream? Because you’re sweet, thick and I’d love to eat you up.
I would like to lay you down and lick some ice cream off your hot body.
Sorry I took so long in getting back to you. I had to see my dentist because you’re so sweet.
If you are an ice cream lawyer, then I will always want to get served.
It must be hot in here…cause you’re making me melt.
Let’s go get Ice Cream. I’ll trade you my nuts and whipped cream for your cherry
Have you had a 8″ Popsicle before? Would you want to?
How is sex like a banana split? I split my legs, and you can pop my cherry.
Do you want to have sex with me? It’s like an ice-cream. Even when it’s pretty bad, it’s still good.
I brought you a small spoon, in case you wanted to sample my flavor.
You’re irresistible, just like a bowl of ice cream; I have to spoon you.
Would you mind if my frozen yogurt takes a dip in your hot fudge?
Are you made of ice cream? Because I can’t wait to eat you up!
Hey baby you want to share a banana split? Split your legs and let me pop your cherry.
I want you more then a Hagen-Daas on a hot summer day. (Ice Cream Pick Up Lines)
How about I dip my frozen yogurt in your hot fudge?
You must be made from ice-cream because all I want to do is eat you up.
We’re like cocoa and marshmallows. You’re extremely hot, and I want to be on top of you.
If you could see my heart right now, you would find it melted like gelato with a big grin on it.
Baby, I want you to be the Baskin to my Robbins, the Ben to my Jerry, my Dairy Queen of Queens.
You my dear are like Choco Taco; everyone wants a piece of you.
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Ice Cream Sundea Pick Up Lines
Hey baby, you wanna share a banana split? Split your legs and let me pop your cherry
Hot fudge sundae would be meaningless without you.
You’re hot and I’m ice, let’s mingle together and make some cream.
I have a 10″ ice cream cone baby, why don’t you lick it?
Want to hear a bad ice-cream pick-up line? Cone me.
Take me along on your ice cream van and I’ll never come down.
We could make beautiful ice cream together. You bring the frozen yogurt, and I let you dip it into my hot fudge.
We should linger in these sweet moments and let our taste buds explode with the flavor of our love.
Are you ice-cream? Cause i want to keep licking you till im all sticky
Be the Ben to my Jerry. Be the Baskin to my Robbins. You’re already my Dairy Queen of all Queens.
Baby, you must’ve just been churned, because you are looking so fresh. (Ice Cream Pick Up Lines)
Can I have a waffle cone, and 2 scoops of you.
Now I know what a hot fudge sundae lacks. A hot slice of you.
Let’s just add some marshmallows and crinkles to our love and our story would be perfect.
I love you more than I love ice cream.
Do you like cherry on top? If not can I have yours?
Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day, but I’m asking for only one.
Are you cake? Cause I want a piece of that.
Have you been churned? Because you look really fresh!
Are you Rocky Road? Because I would like nothing more than to pave you. (Ice Cream Pick Up Lines)
Come on baby, sex is like ice cream: Even if it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.
You must be an ice-cream because you give me a brain freeze and lots of happy hormones.
Read More:- Cake Pick up Lines
Ice Cream Pick Up Lines Clean
Are you Choco Taco? Because I bet, everyone wants you.
If you were a task on my list to get ice cream, I’d do you all day.
If you’re Rocky Road, then I would love to pave you.
I’m not here to play mind games. Except brain freeze.
Baby, you must’ve just been churned,cause you’re looking so fresh. (Ice Cream Pick Up Lines)
When I’m with you, the atmosphere tastes like some nice ice cream cake.
Want to come by my place and have sex? I have cake up-stairs.
When I look at you, my cream gets whipped, my banana gets split, and my spoon feels licked.
Do you like a cherry on top? If not, can I have yours?
I have a bunch of Klondike bars back at my place.
When you smile, I smile because I know what you’re thinking: Ice cream!
What is your favorite ice-cream? *Wait for reply* Answer: My favorite is a waffle cone and three scoops of you.
Are you my melting ice cream cone? Because i wanna lick you up and down
Are you Choco Taco? Because everyone wants you.
Can I double stuff your ice cream sandwich?
Even if you are as cold as a gelato treat, I’ll make you as warm as a painting of a beautiful sunset.
Call me a dentist, because you are too sweet.
What sort of ice-cream would you be? *Wait for reply* Answer: I think I’d be a pecan ice-cream because I’m nuts for you!
Close your eyes and imagine a world filled with ice cream cones and unlimited scoops of all your favorite flavors; that’s what I see when I look at you.
Your nice ice cream smile is all the sweetness I need in this world filled with bitterness. (Ice Cream Pick Up Lines)
Lick me, I’m mint!
Every time I see you, I feel my cream gets whipped, my banana gets split, and my spoon gets licked.
You can also send these Ice Cream Pick Up Lines as a flirty message to your crush but please don’t forget to tell us after you succeed.
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