70+ Dessert Pick Up Lines
Dessert Pick Up Lines:- Impress anyone with the best desert pick up lines for your crush. If you want to start a good conversation with your crush in the desert then here are some best lines you can use. Being flirty is a very difficult task but with the help of the right pick up lines, you can impress anyone at any time.
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Best Desert Pick Up Lines
Lick me, I’m mint!
Why, baby, you’re dessert.
Can I double stuff your Oreo?
You put the ‘hot’ in hot fudge sundae.
Are you a cake? Cause I want a piece of that.
No Hunny, looking at you is dessert enough for me.
I love you more than ice cream. (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
When I look at you, my cream gets whipped, my banana gets split, and my spoon feels licked.
Want to come by my place? I have something delicious on my dessert menu. Me’n’u.
If you were a dessert, I would drizzle a balsamic reduction all over you.
I’ll make you dinner. I’ll make you breakfast. But in between, we’ll have to have some dessert. And I’m a physics major.
You must be frozen yogurt because I want to spoon you.
Now I know what a hot fudge sundae lacks. A hot slice of you.
We’re like cocoa and marshmallows. You’re extremely hot, and I want to be on top of you.
How is sex like a banana split? I split my legs, and you can pop my cherry. (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
You must be an ice cream because you give me a brain freeze and lots of happy hormones.
If we were ice-cream scoops, we would be one big bowl of sweet.
You could never be ice cream because you are too hot!
Are you peanut butter? Because every time I see you, my legs turn to jelly.
I’ll make you dinner. I’ll make you breakfast. But in between, we’ll have to have some dessert. And I’m a physics major.
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Dirty Pick Up Lines For Dessert Party
You’re so sweet, I just want you for dessert.
What sort of ice cream would you be? *Wait for reply* Answer: I think I’d be a pecan ice cream because I’m nuts for you!
Hey excuse me, there’s something wrong with my menu.
I love you like how I love my sorbet – juicy.
You must be my favorite dessert, cuz I can eat you all day. Bahaha….eh (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
You must be my favorite dessert cause I can eat you all day!
Nice ice cream you got there, If that’s your dessert, do you wanna be mine?
I’d love to take you out for dinner… And/orra dessert
I like women like my sorbet – sweet and juicy.
I brought you a small spoon, in case you wanted to sample my flavor.
You’re so sweet, i just want you for dessert.
What do you think about this pickup line?
Do you want to have sex with me? It’s like an ice cream. Even when it’s pretty bad, it’s still good.
I’m not a dessert person But I have a sweet tooth for you.
It must be hot in here…cause you’re making me melt.
What sort of ice cream would you be? Wait for a reply Answer: I think I’d be a pecan ice cream because I’m nuts for you!
You’re like a box of chocolates. Wait for them to ask why Because I want to take your top off and eat you up.
Now, how about some dessert? (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
Want to hear a bad ice-cream pick-up line? Cone me.
Are you Choco Taco? Because I bet, everyone wants you.
Read More:- Ice Cream Pick Up Lines
Chessy Dessert Pick Up Lines
Are you a peanut butter? Because every time I see you, my legs turn to jelly.
I’m not a dessert person. But I have a sweet tooth for you
I like my women like I like my dessert: dripping down my fingers.
You must be made from ice-cream because all I want to do is eat you up. (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
We could make beautiful ice cream together. You bring the frozen yogurt, and I let you dip it into my hot fudge.
You must be frozen yogurt, because I want to spoon you.
Baby, you must’ve just been churned, cause you’re looking so fresh.
Are you Choco Taco? Because everyone wants you.
You’re so smooth you’re making me lose my chips!
You’re my favorite type of candy: half sweet and half nuts.
Nice ice cream you got there, If that’s your dessert, do you wanna be mine?
You’re so sweet, i just want you for dessert.
You could never be ice cream, because you are too hot!
I want you more than a Hagen-Daas on a hot summer day.
Sorry, I took so long in getting back to you. I had to see my dentist because you’re so sweet.
My blood sugar is so high. If you were a vampire, I’d be dessert. EDIT: dessert
I must be made of pecan pralines, cause I am NUTS for you!
Are you made of ice cream? Because I can’t wait to eat you up!
You must be made from ice cream because all I want to do is eat you up.
Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day, but I’m asking for only one.
What is your favorite ice cream? *Wait for reply* Answer: My favorite is a waffle cone and three scoops of you.
Are you Rocky Road? Because I would like nothing more than to pave you. (Dessert Pick Up Lines)
Are your cake? Cause I want a piece of that.
Want to come by my place and have sex? I have a cake upstairs.
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You can also send these Dessert Pick Up Lines as a flirty message to your crush but please don’t forget to tell us after you succeed.
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