Facebook Status for Golden Temple
Facebook Status for Golden Temple:- If you are looking for the best Golden temple status for Facebook and WhatsApp then you are at the right place.
We know that finding some good golden temple quotes is very hard for you. But not now here are some best videos you can copy and paste.
Best Golden Temple Status for Facebook
The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him – that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free.
“Consider our body as a temple and our heart as a place where God or the Guru resides. If we open up our hearts like the gates of the Golden Temple, if we don’t fight with each other in the name of religion, if we treat every individual equally then the God inside us will be happy. When the God inside us becomes happy, we will become happy and when we will become happy then the temple will look all the more beautiful.”
― Raj Kiran Atagaraha, The Golden Temple
The Golden Temple, Sikhism’s holiest shrine, is in northwestern India near the Pakistani border, and it is a delightful place to contemplate the draw of faith.
The man who builds a factory builds a temple, that the man who works there worships there, and to each is due, not scorn and blame, but reverence and praise.
Our body is the temple of our spirit.
The sound of laughter is like the vaulted dome of a temple of happiness.
The bottom line, your body is a temple, and you have to treat it that way. That’s how God designed it.
Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you your all.
The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance.
Where there is no temple there shall be no homes.
Temple House is starting with clothes, but slowly I plan to extend it to accessories and events.
Well, we hope that you like the best collection of Facebook Status for Golden Temple. If you do then please let us know by your comment. We search a lot on the Internet to make this amazing collection. So if you like our efforts please share this golden temple status and quotes.
Also read:- Bible Quotes About Nature
Quotes Sources- Brainy Quote
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