FB status {Best Facebook status in English}

FB status in English:- Do you like to add cool and attitude status on your Facebook? If yes then you are at the right place. Today we have collected the best FB status in English to get lots of likes and shares.
FB status is a feature that can tell other people about your daily activities and thoughts. Facebook gives you the freedom to express your feelings. It is very similar to other social networking features like WhatsApp status and Instagram Captions. Whenever someone uploads their FB status you get a notification so that you can not miss any latest feeds.
ToggleFacebook Status in English
Find the best Motivational Facebook status for your FB profile. Hype your followers and friends with collection of best FB status ever.
- Focused, hard work is the real key to success.
- I can do anything I set my mind to.
- Take advantage of every opportunity.
- Impossible is not a fact it is an opinion.
- You’re only as strong as your mindset.
- Hustle beats talent when talent doesn’t hustle.
- The difference between me and them is that I keep going when it becomes hard
- Fight for your dreams and your dreams will fight for you.
- All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.
- You will never make it if you care what others think.
- You’ve got 2 big choices. Do it now, Or regret it later.
- The ability to remain calm and focused on what truly matters is a SUPERPOWER.
Read More:- Status for Facebook Post
Best Facebook status Lines
Find the best Facebook Status of 2020 that suits your personality. Make a strong impression on everyone with the most trending quotes. Now you don’t need to ask your friends to like your post, Just post these fb quotes with your post and get an unlimited likes and shares with these amazing thoughts for your post.
Read More:- Best Status Lines.
- Be self-motivated because no one is going to push you.
- “Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, You can’t begin to explore your possibilities.”
- Fight for your dreams and your dreams will fight for you.
- Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you to want to be tomorrow.
- When odds are one in a million, Then be that one.
- Your life now is a result of your dominant thoughts and your daily actions.
New and Good Facebook Status to Get Likes
- F*ck average, Be legendary.
- Focus on the goal not the obstacle.
- It’s not about ideas it’s about making ideas happens.
- Your life isn’t your if you always care what someone else thinks.
- Stay focused and keep pushing a lot can change in a year.
- Trust your crazy ideas.
- Dream big, small, Start now.
- You’re not a victim you’re a fucking warrior.
- Your efforts may not change the whole world however, It will change your world.
- They told me I couldn’t that’s why I did it.
- Don’t be afraid of being outnumbered Eagles fly alone pigeons flock together.
- If you have no confidence in self, You are twice defeated in the race of life.
Attitude Facebook Statuses and Quotes
Enhance your attitude with FB status of attitude. Make a bold statement with your completely savage post.
- “Now” is the magic word of success.
- F*ck the system. I’ll create my own path.
- Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference.
- With self-discipline all things are possible.
- Don’t think about your errors or failures, Otherwise, You’ll never do things.
- You are the creator of your own destiny.
- Good things come to those who hustle.
- A goal so big you get uncomfortable telling small-minded people.
- Be self-motivated because no one is going to push you.
- “Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, You can’t begin to explore your possibilities.”
- When odds are one in a million, Be that one.
Best Facebook Status Ever for Likes
- Stop following the crowd. Start following your heart, your passions, your intuition.
- When you know clearly what you want you’ll wake up every morning excited about life.
- Just start you will figure out the rest along the way.
- Do what you can, Where you are, With what you have.
- To achieve something you’ve never had before, You must do something you’ve never done before.
- It’s not FAILURE, It’s unfinished SUCCESS.
- I’m coming for all the things they said I couldn’t have.
- If you try something you risk failure. If you don’t, You ensure it.
- Not all hustle is loud. Somethings it’s Just you, All alone, Grinding, While no one hears a sound
- Everyone to fly first class. I wanna own the damn jet
- START before you’re ready.
Top FB status to get More likes
- You cannot undo the moves but you can make the next step better.
- No one can destroy iron, But its own rust can! Likewise
- Bigs dreams take time to manifest, So be patient.
- Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.
- Success is a state of mind. If you want success start thinking of yourself as a success.
Read More:- Funny status for Facebook
Romantic Fb status for lover
Make some feel special with Fb status for lovers. Have you ever feel that you want to make someone special but don’t know what to do, well this post is just for you. Copy this FB status for lovers and tell them how much you love them. Show them the best side of you. Mention them in your post with the best Facebook status ever for likes.
- Kiss me, my beloved, peel my heart down to the core, Your lips are as sweet as cherry wine, pour me some more…
- Choose Love, Love! Without the sweet life of Love, living is a burden – as you have seen.
- Just wrap me up in your arms and hold me close, let me rest my head against your chest, let your heartbeat be my lullaby.
- The first time I saw you, My heart whispered That’s the one
- Look what you made me do, I’m with somebody new Oh, baby, baby, I’m dancing with a stranger…
- You return like autumn, And I fall every time.
- You were the best thing that I’ve never had…
- Don’t lose the person that has seen your flaws and still loves you.
- Distance doesn’t separate people… Silence does…
- When you are not supposed to stay, do not come, please!
- Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun, because they missed you the first time.
- Some people are like nicotine. You know they aren’t good for you, but you want them anyway…
- I’m not afraid of loneliness or being alone My fear is being alone beside another one.
- Behind every favorite song, there is an untold story…
- It sucks when you have someone on your mind that you can’t have in your arms.
- I miss you so much… But I bet you don’t even remember my name…
- I’m looking at you, And all I can say is: “Oh, my God, I love him so f*cking much. “
- Some will love you for who you are; Others will love the mask you wear…
- that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”
Fb status To gain Followers
Top status for Facebook to boost your likes and shares. You can share these amazing status with your family and friends.
- you’ll never find another me!
- It’s so addictive to be sad than to be happy.
- Years of love can be forgotten, In the hatred of a minute.
- The minute you learn a new word, you feel like you hear it all the time.
- Maybe the good memories are the deepest pain.
- I am starting to replace people with music again. she is the only thing that gets my feelings.
- I stop hurting myself when I found out they all ain’t worth it but my self.
- I knew I had a big heart when I still felt sorry for the people who did me dirty.
- eventually, that hurt goes away & you’ll Find yourself again .and never let go.
- If you can’t love them back don’t make them fall in love.
- In every person you know, there is a person you don’t know.
- This year I lost, won, failed, cried, laughed, loved most of all I learned……
- Me…….. my mind It feels like I want but I won’t get I need but it doesn’t matter I dream but it’s just a dream.No that’s ma reality
- Be an open book but write the pages of your personal life, in invisible ink
- I thought I lost something that was never mine just because I wanted to be mine so badly.
- Just Be you lose the unreal perfection and gain yourself…
- It’s not how they said it, it’s how you accept it that matters
- The weekend slowed and reverbed? Yeah, that’s some baby-making potion!
- people know what they are doing & how their actions make you feel ..they just don’t care.
- choose the people that choose you every time, not when they in the mood for you.
Top Status for Facebook 2021
- So many people, Becomes song and poetry, But will never know; Our world is full of ghost Of unspoken words and memories.
- over small misunderstanding people will show how they really feel about you, just pay attention.
- sometimes I be mad at myself for having the heart I have.
- You have to let people go. Everyone who’s in your life are meant to be in your journey, but not all of them are meant to stay till the end.
- Some times you like some one so much but It ends up: “we are only friends”
- What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it’s supposed to be.
- I’m officially done trying. If you want me in your life,you can come find me. Until then ,continue treating me like I don’t exist.
- Hope is independent of the appratus of logic.
- “Am filled with beautiful lies and yet people come to me”
– love - “We are too insecure and imperfect for each other but we can’t let go of each other”
fb post status
- Some times i just i need to be my self.
- If you really care about someone, you work shit out; you don’t just leave..
- stuck between missing how shit was & understanding shit ain’t never be the same….
- Don’t be sad when you start losing friends,be glad you’re getting rid of the fake ones.
- Know that sometimes it’s a lesson not a struggl…. For the better to come
Facebook Statuses for Likes
- “People are too scared ,insecure and blinded with hope”
- I used to think of you as somebody that would never, ever hurt me.
- It sucks when your effort is ignored .
- I’m the kind kind of person who wants to live alone and then ask why am I alone.
- the most important need is to love yourself the way you want others to love you.
- A pretty face doesn’t mean a pretty heart !
- don’t let yourself be someone’s option, you’re worth to be prioritized.
- I never begged for support, I just notice who gives it naturally.
- ”stop over thinking” oh thanks never knew there was an on and of switch to this shit.
- °I want to meet someone who makes me feel the way music does °
- If someone stays with you after you hurt them more than once , they truly Love you don’t lose that and treat them right.
- Missing someone you can’t talk is painful.
- iF you don’t have time For Me, don’t be mad when someone else does ..
- My problem is idk how to let go Of people I love until I completely hate them..
- IF u go without something long enough you’ll eventually be ok without it.
Why we should upload FB status?
- You can get the latest news whenever people upload their FB status about there surroundings.
- Uploading interesting Status you can attract new friends.
- Aware people about what you like and what you don’t.
By uploading these statuses you can find A lot of attention from your friends and family. You can become a central attraction for any function.
You can just copy this best status and share it where ever you want. We have the best collections of best status in facebook.
How to see Fb status without knowing them?
- First open your Facebook application on your smartphone.
- Now wait till all the stories gets loaded
- Exit your application and turn off your mobile internet or Wifi
- Tap on any stories you want to see.
- Now exit the application
- Turn on your mobile internet or wif
How to change the relationship status on Facebook without publishing?
Open your Facebook account and tap on “Profile” now go to your “About “section and scroll down to “Relationship“. Hit “Edit” on the upper right corner and change your privacy settings to “Only Me.” then change your status to “Single“, “Committed” or whatever you like.
How to update facebook status?
- Open your facebook account and tap on “what’s on your mind”.
- Type your thought.
- You can add Images, video or feeling on your status.
- Now hit post button to publish your status.
How to save Facebook posts (photos)?
- Open your Facebook account.
- Tap the post you want to save.
- tap and hold or click on the post (photos).
- Tap or click on save images.
- Check your download folder to see the downloaded images
What is the full form of DP on Facebook?
DP stands for “Digital picture“. A DP is the first element that anyone notices in a profile so it is important that your DP should be in high definition and eyecatching. If you want to learn how to make your DP attractive visit here
Finding a great collection of the best Facebook status to get likes is very hard and very frustrating. We have covered the best and great status for facebook to get tons of likes. These statuses are a mixer of attitude, love, and motivational thoughts for your FB status. we have covered the most trending thoughts for your Facebook status.
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