40 Flirty Pick Up Lines in Spanish With Meaning (TESTED)
If you seek the best pick up lines in Spanish, you are at the right place.
It’s hard to connect with people when you don’t have the same language. If you have a crush on someone who only speaks Spanish, they might have trouble to understand your conversation. But don’t worry, because today in this post we have covered some of the best and most flirty Spanish pick up lines. Plus, anyone can use these pick up lines, whether it’s a boy or a girl. These flirty phrases will help you to impress your crush and make your date or conversation more interesting. So make sure to read all. Tell me below which one is your favorite Spanish pick up lines.
Las mejores líneas de recogida españolas (Best Spanish Pick Up Lines)
- “Tienes un poco de lindo en tu cara.” You have a bit of cute on your face.
“¡¿Por qué tienes que verte tan bien ?! ¡No puedo concentrarme en lo que estoy haciendo!” Why do you have to look so good?! I can’t concentrate on what I’m doing!
“En tus brazos es donde realmente pertenezco.” In your arms is where I truly belong.
“¿Dónde he estado toda mi vida?” Where have been all my life?
“¡Te denunciaré a la policía por robarme el corazón!” I will report you to the police for stealing my heart!
“Espera un segundo. Necesito respirar. Estar contigo me deja sin aliento.” Wait a second. I need to breathe. Being with you takes my breath away.
“Me gustas como me gusta mi café: alto, oscuro y fuerte.” I like you just how I like my coffee: tall, dark, and strong.
“Si fueras un triángulo, serías uno agudo” If you were a triangle you’d be acute one.
“Cena primero, ¿o podemos ir directamente a por el postre? ” Dinner first, or can we go straight for dessert?
“Diría que eres la bomba, pero eso podría convertirse en una conversación letal …” I’d say you’re the bomb, but that could turn into lethal conversation…
“¿Estamos casados ahora?” Are we, like, married now?
“En una escala del 1 al 10, eres un 9 y yo soy el 1 que necesitas.” On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re a 9 and I’m the 1 you need.
“Oye precioso, ¿serás mi tinderella?” Hey gorgeous, will you be my Tinderella?
“Disculpe, ¿tiene una curita? Porque me raspé la rodilla al caer por ti.” Excuse me, do you have a band-aid? Cause I scraped my knee falling for you.
“¿Eres la raíz cuadrada de 1? ¡Porque en serio no puedes ser real! Are you the square root of 1?” Because you seriously can’t be real!
“Hola * finge ser un camarero *: aquí está tu rompehielos adornado con incomodidad.” Hello* pretends to be a waiter* – Here’s your icebreaker garnished with awkwardness.
“Comida favorita: ¿tailandesa, italiana o española?” Favorite meal: Thai, Italian, or Spanish?
“¡Emparejamos! ¿Eso significa que vendrás a mi casa esta noche, o deberíamos encontrarnos y establecer que no somos asesinos en serie o que vivimos con nuestros padres primero?” We matched! Does that mean you’re coming over to my place tonight, or should we meet and establish we aren’t serial killers or living with our parents first?
“Eres tan hermoso que me hiciste olvidar mi buena línea de recogida.” You’re so gorgeous that you made me forget my good pickup line.
“¿ Cuál es su definición de un buen fin de semana? “ What’s your definition of a good weekend?
Pick Up Line en español (Pick Up Lines In Spanish)
“Puedes volverme loco y ni siquiera necesitas llaves.” You can drive me crazy, and you don’t even need keys.
“¿Te gusta el desayuno inglés? Porque te ves como lo harías. ¡Eres un té caliente!” Do you like English Breakfast? Because you look like you would. You’re a hot tea!
“Eres como una taza de chocolate caliente; caliente y relamerse los labios.” You are like a cup of hot chocolate; hot and lip-smacking.
“Si ser sexy fuera un crimen, ya te arrestarían.” If being sexy was a crime, you’d be arrested by now.
“Mi cama está rota, ¿puedo dormir en la tuya?” My bed’s broken, so can I sleep in yours?
“Si soy una lata de refresco, ¡debes ser bicarbonato de sodio! ¡Porque me haces sentir burbujeante por dentro!” If I am a can of soda, you must be baking soda! Because you make me feel all bubbly inside!
“¿Te duele el ojo izquierdo? Porque todo el día te has visto bien.” Does your left eye hurt? Because all day long you have been looking right.
“Oye, no encuentro mi número. ¿Puedo pedir prestado el tuyo?” Hey, I can’t find my number. May I please borrow yours?
“Oye, creo que tengo un problema con los ojos. No puedo dejar de mirarte.” Hey, I think I have a problem with my eyes. I can’t stop looking at you.
“¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? Soy una cocinera increíble.” What’s your favorite food? I’m an amazing cook.
“Puede que no sea un genio, pero puedo hacer realidad tus deseos.” I may not be a genie, but I can make your wishes come true.
“Mi doctor dice que me falta vitamina U.” My doctor says I’m lacking vitamin U.
“Por alguna razón, hoy me sentía un poco mal. Pero cuando llegaste, definitivamente me excitaste.” For some reason, I was feeling a little off today. But when you came along, you definitely turned me on.
“¿Sabes de qué está hecha mi camisa? ¡Material de novia!” Do you know what my shirt is made of? Girlfriend material!
“No soy fotógrafo, pero puedo imaginarnos a ti y a mí juntos.” I’m not a photographer, but I can picture you and me together.
Las mejores líneas de recogida españolas (Top Spanish Pick Up Lines)
“Estoy perdido. ¿Puedes darme direcciones a tu corazón?” I’m lost. Can you give me directions to your heart?
“¿Hay un aeropuerto cerca o es que mi corazón está despegando?” Is there an airport nearby, or is that my heart taking off?
“Oye, debes ser el cargador de mi teléfono porque moriría sin ti.” Hey, you must be my phone charger because I’d die without you.
“¿Sabes qué tenemos en común la Sirenita y yo? Ambos queremos ser parte de tu mundo.” Do you know what the Little Mermaid and I have in common? We both want to be part of your world.
“Si fueras una canción, serías la mejor pista del álbum.” If you were a song, you’d be the best track on the album.
“En una escala de 1 a Estados Unidos, ¿qué tan libre eres esta noche?” On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?
“Sabes, siempre pensé que Disneylandia era el “lugar más feliz de la Tierra”, pero eso fue antes de que tuviera la oportunidad de estar aquí a tu lado.” You know, I always thought that Disneyland was the ‘happiest place on Earth,’ but that was before I got a chance to stand here next to you.
“¿Quieres salir y tomar un poco de aire fresco conmigo? Me dejaste sin aliento.” Want to go outside and get some fresh air with me? You just took my breath away.
“Si fueras un taser, estarías configurado para “aturdir”.” If you were a taser, you’d be set to ‘stun.’
“Si fueras un Transformer, serías “Optimus Fine”.” If you were a Transformer, you’d be ‘Optimus Fine.’
“¿Tu nombre es Google? Porque tienes todo lo que busco.” Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’m searching for.
Read More:-
- Mexican Pick Up Lines In SPANISH & ENGLISH
- Best French Pick Up Lines
- German Pick Up lines
- Japanese Pick Up Lines
- BEST Russian Pick Up Lines With English Translations
- Korean Pick Up Lines With English Translation 2022
Do you like our Pick up Lines in Spanish? You can use these Spanish lines on your teachers, friends, and even on your neighbor. You can also send these lines as a message to your crush. If you like our Spanish pick up line collections, please share them with your family and friends.
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