60+ Canadian Pick Up Lines {TESTED}
Canada is a renowned country for its polite and friendly citizens. But did you know that Canadian pickup lines are just as smooth? In this blog post, we will explore some of the best Canadian pickup lines that you can use the next time you’re north of the border. From cheesy to charming, these pickup lines are sure to help you break the ice. So read on and learn a few new pickup lines that you can use on your next trip to Canada.
Canadian Pick Up Lines

- You must be from Canada…
- I’ve seen a lot of Canada, but you could take me to the top of the world.
- You remind me of a ski hill, and now I really want to hit those slopes
- Are you a beaver? I know where some wood is.
- I’m cold just thinking about Canada. Let’s Cuddle
- CANADIAN GOAL….wanna fuck to celebrate?
- Damn girl you must be a maple tree because I’d tap that.
- Until I saw you, I didn’t believe I’d ever see an arctic fox
- Forget whipped cream. Try a taste of what I picked up at the Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival.
- It’s cold out. Why don’t you come back to my bed and we can warm up?
- Fall hardly happens here, but You’ll be falling into my bed.
- Did you know I’m a goalie? Yeah, I always wear protection.
- Once you’ve had Alberta beef, you’ll never go back.
- Baby, meeting you was better than an NHL lockout ending.
- I’m really big into architecture; want to see my CN tower?
- Are you from Canada? Because if you’re wondering if you can go out on a date with me, well, you CAN–UH-DUH!
- I’d like to mountie you! Sorry, was that rude?
- Do you like my cologne? It’s derived from the musk gland of the industrious beaver.
- Your beauty warms and lights up these frozen surroundings.
- Are you from Canada? Because if you’re wondering if you can go out on a date with me, well, you CAN–UH-DUH!
- Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Also Did you utilize Canada’s public healthcare system to help ease that pain?
- Hello, eh. Girl your soft brown eyes remind me of the amazing beaver, eh.
- Do you have a name, or can I just call you ‘mine?’
- Those are some pretty nice Rocky Mountains you’ve got there.
- Want to see my lumber, Jack?
- What can I say I’m good with my stick!
- I wish I was Tim Horton’s coffee…So I could get close to your lips
- Are you a beaver? Because I like your tail.
- I’ll make you see the northern lights!
- Girl, you’re such a Banff (i.e., a Bad Ass, Nice, And Fascinating Female).
- Let me roll up your rim.
- Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Also Did you utilize Canada’s public healthcare system to help ease that pain?
Pick Up Lines For Canadian
- I’m cold just thinking about Canada. Let’s Cuddle
- Are you a sugar maple tree? Because I would totally tap that.
- Help me score one more time for team Canada?
- Bulls aren’t the only thing I know how to ride.
- You know the Mounties? Well how about you Mount Me?
- Hey, do you mind if we take a picture together? I just want to show my mom what my next girlfriend looks like.
- I’m waking up at 5am for hockey. But I would stay up all night for you.
- Is your friend part maple tree? Because I’d like to tap that.
- Get that red light ready, because you and I are about to score.
- Canada is the second largest country in the world. What can I say? Canada has a lot of large things.
- You know, I’m actually terrible at flirting. How about you try to pick me up instead?
- Girl… tonight you can be like Canada’s medal count… On the top
- Are you timber? Because I’d split you.
- Can I sink my Edmund Fitzgerald in your lake Kitchi-gummi?
- You must be Drumheller, ‘cause I totally dig you.
- I’m a man who drinks beer from an Awesome Land. Need I say more?
- Are you into hockey? That’s great because I’d like to score.
- Can your beaver eat my log?
- You look like you know how to have a good time. Been on any adventures lately?
- How about we play a fun game called Haida totem pole?
- The darker the berry the sweeter the juice, unless you’re making syrup, of course.
- Looking at you takes my breath away like standing at the top of Mount Columbia.
- I saw you and I pictured us as swans, we could mate for life.
- If I were to ask you out on a date, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?
- Won’t you please open your Northwest Passage and let me hike your tundra?
- Canada is the second largest country in the world. What can I say? Canada has a lot of large things.
- I’m a man who drinks beer from an Awesome Land. Need I say more?
- Are you a maple tree? Because I’d tap you!
- If you are in a hurry I’m good at the give and go.
- because you’re one in Eh million.
- I’ve seen a lot of Canada, but you could take me to the top of the world.
We hope you like our Canadian Pick Up Lines collections. If you do then please let us know with your comments. Also if you find this post helpful then share this video with your friends.