60+ History Pick Up Lines {Funny, Dirty & Chessy}
History Pick Up Lines:- Are you searching for the best pick up line for a history class? If yes then you are at the right place. Cause today you will find the best historical flirty lines for your crush. You can use these lines on your history teacher or class mates.
Read More:- Teacher Pick Up Lines
ToggleBest History Pick Up Lines
No one can debunk the fact that you are the center of my universe…
Girl, after tonight, I won’t be the only one needing a wheelchair.
I must be the Russian space program, because I’m just dying to launch my Sputnik into your space.
Use this one in school. U know I want to have 2 classes with you next year chemistry and history.
Girl, try as it might; the agricultural adjustments act couldn’t keep me from plowing your field.
If you were President, you’d be Babe-raham Lincoln.
I’d like to get your opinion on my poll.
Are you the Manhattan project? I’ve gotta say – you’re the bomb.
Girl, our romance could become a pizza history.
I declared independence from the British so you can declare independence from those clothes, baby!
I must be identified with Ben Franklin. I’ve recently found some power between us.
Are you Jefferson Davis? ‘Cause you’re making the south rise.
Is your name Maya? Because I’d like to sacrifice you to the gods.
Baby I’ll make you see stars and stripes.
Good thing I’m not a colonist, because I’d let you do intolerable acts to me.
I may not be the POTUS, but I see US on TOP of each other.
Let’s role play – I’ll be Osama… you be a cave… and I’ll hide up inside you.
Baby you’re hotter than Rome under Nero.
Wanna to play War of 1812? I’ll light your White House on fire!
Your palace looks like it could use a sturdy column.
Call it manifest destiny, but I truly believe it’s my God-given right to acquire you.
If you were President, you’d be Babe-raham Lincoln.
Did your parents work on The Manhattan Project? Because you’re the bomb!
Care to come over for some Hysteria Relief?
Girl, after tonight, I won’t be the only one needing a wheelchair.
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Funny History Pick Up Lines
I’ll open your heart like Nixon opened the door to China in ’72.
I’d love to have a discussion with you about Bush, Dick, and Colin.
I’m learning about important dates in history. Wanna be one of them?
Baby I’ll make you see stars and stripes.
Need to know why they call me Titanic? Because when I go down, the women dependably get off first.
Excuse me but I’m looking for weapons of ass destruction.
If I were Columbus, I would sail day and night to reach the depths of your heart.
If I was a knight in shining armor, would you lower your drawbridge for me?
Hey comrade, let’s share the means of reproduction.
Do you want to see a majority whip?
Damn, girl, you’re hotter than Chicago in 1871.
I asked Barack Obama if you and I could get together later, and he said “Yes, you can”.
If you ask Thomas Paine, he’ll tell you that dating me is Common Sense.
Are you the Manhattan project? I’ve gotta say – you’re bomb.
I don’t need a CRS report to tell me how beautiful you are.
Is your name Maya? Because I’d like to sacrifice you to the gods.
How about you treat me like the filthy kulak I am?
Call me Paul Revere because I’d like to give you a midnight ride.
I’m sorry I wasn’t part of your past, can I make it up by being in your future?
You must be related to Tesla because you’re electrifying.
Hi, I’m babe Lincoln, and I’m about to give you the Gettysburg undress.
Let’s role play… I’ll be Osama you be the cave… Now let me hide in you.
Are you an early hominid? Because I’ve got a Homo Erectus right now.
Call me Paul Revere because I’d like to give you a midnight ride.
You may not be my First Lady, but I’ll make you feel like Jackie OH!
Read More:- Library Pick Up Lines
American History Pick Up Lines
I may not go down in history. But I’ll gladly go down on you
I must be the U.S. Capital. Because my statues of freedom can be seen from miles away.
Are you the Cuban missile crisis?
Your beauty could launch a thousand ships.
I’m no James Monroe, but I can give you an Era of Good Feelings.
I must be the U.S. capital. Because my statues of freedom can be seen from miles away.
I asked Barack Obama if you and I could get together later, and he said “Yes, you can”.
You must be a Quaker, because I could William Penn-etrate you for hours.
I don’t need a CRS report to tell me how beautiful you are.
I’m sorry I wasn’t part of your past, can I make it up by being in your future?
Drop everything and carve Croatoan into your front door because I’m about to rock your new world so hard people will think you’ve disappeared
I’ve got a stimulus package waiting for you in my pants.
The Gettysburg Address was short, but I know something that isn’t.
Are you a tower? Because Eiffel for you.
Are you from Medieval Times?, cause you Sir Gagsalot!
Excuse me but I’m looking for weapons of ass destruction.
Roses are red and so is the state, let us be comrades because I think you are great
Baby you just turned my bronze into iron!
I have sex like I fight a war; I got no exit strategies.
Call it manifest destiny, but I truly believe it’s my God-given right to acquire you.
Baby I’ll make you see stars and stripes
The only history I wanna create.. Is a history of you and me…
You must work for the Gestapo because I’ve seen you spying on me all night.
Let’s turn up the heat of the Cold War.
Hey girl, you won’t need the Rosetta Stone to translate my love for you.
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US History Pick Up Lines
Baby, you can trust me. I always pull out at the last second.
History will be written by Men who ride Hogs.
You must have been born in pearl harbor cause baby you da bomb.
Did the rules change about camping outside the capital because you got me pitching a tent.
Baby, you have more curves than the Democrat Party line.
My chad won’t be hanging if you let me punch that hole.
I motion to elongate the caucus.
I have sex like I fight wars; I have no exit strategy.
Hey, you must be a German… cause you sure started the battle of my bulge.
My names huey long and I can share some wealth.
Do you like history, because were gonna make history tonight.
Call me John Adams, ’cause I want to be all up in your xyz affair.
I’m learning about important dates in history class. Wanna be one of them?
How would you like to take a ride on Air Force One? (World History Pick Up Lines)
Are you a union worker with a history of anarchy?
You are the Renaissance to my Dark Ages, you light up my world.
Baby you’re hotter than Rome under Nero.
You must be the eighth wonder of the world!
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