170+ Pick Up Lines About Science {Funny, Dirty, Chessy}
Pick up lines are special but Science pick up lines are best. They are funny, and flirty at the same time. Any girl and guy can get attracted by these lines. Also, these lines are tested on many people, and guess that they all love it.
So don’t worry you can send these science pick up lines. All these flirty phases are a mixture of biology, chemistry, and physics.
If you like science or you like pick up lines, then this is the right place for you.
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ToggleBest Science Pick Up Lines
can you be my Magnesium?
Can I have your significant digits?
I have mass. You have mass.
We’re naturally attracted!
Your lab or my lab?
You are finer than pyroclastic ash.
You look sweeter than 3.14.
I want to stick to you like glucose.
Let’s stick together like glue-cose.
You Raise My Dopamine Levels.
Hey baby, wanna form a zygote?
Your smile is as infectious as cholera.
Is it cool if I stick to you like glue-cose?
I’m just hypothesizing, but I think that the reaction between you and me would be quite exothermic.
Care to plot some data points?
You are a photon quanta to my valence electron because you excite me to a higher energy level.
Baby, you must be a start codon because you are turning me on.
I was wondering if you like science because I have had my ion you for some time.
You must be fluorine cause you are polarizing my bond.
Scientists have recently discovered a rare new element called Beautium. It looks like you are made of it.
Are you made of beryllium, gold, and titanium? You must be because you are BeAuTi-ful.
Read More:- Best Pick Up Lines For Biology
Cheesy Science Pick Up Lines
Do you want to form a zygote with me?
You can call me Bond, Covalent Bond.
You’re like telophase, I admire your cleavage.
How’d you like to make a ring seal?
I Am A Chemist. Want To Get Together And See The Reaction?
I might be into physics, but I can assure you that I will never be a Bohr in the bedroom.
If you were an element you’d be francium because you’re the most attractive.
Baby, we’ve got chemistry together… next period.
You are the HCl to my NaOH. With our sweet love, we could make an ocean together.
You must be made of Uranium and iodine because all I can see is U and I together.
Look what I’ve got—a molecular model kit! Do you want to play with my stick and balls?
If i’m an Oxygen, You must be chlorine cause you are polarizing my bond.
From now on, I will call you Avogadro. This way, I would already know your number.
The two of us go perfectly together like hydrogen and oxygen.
Do you like aerobic respiration as much as I do?
Do you want to work with me to convert our potential energy into kinetic energy?
Girl you must be made of Florine, Iodine, and Neon, because you are FINe
Does your skin feel burnt? Because I think you must have just fallen down from heaven, and re-entry would have caused some problems for you.
Do you want to help me test the spring potential of my mattress?
If you were an element you’d be francium because you’re the most attractive.
Read More:- Pick Up Lines About Chemistry Lovers
Cute Science Pick Up Lines
Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re cute.
I want to stick to you like cyanoacrylate.
Chem students do it on the table periodically
I know hundreds of Pi digits, but what I really want to know is the 7 digits of your phone number.
You are positive and I am negative. We should get together and make a compound.
I would tell you more chemistry pick-up lines, but all the good ones Argon!
Hey baby, will a little more alcohol catalyze this reaction?
You must be a fossil because I would love to date you.
I’ve got my ion you for quite a while now. Don’t you think we should get together?
My favorite attractive force is van der Waal’s force. Can you feel it? I’ll move closer if you can’t.
You’re hotter than a Bunsen burner turned up all the way.
Hey baby, want to form a synapse with me and exchange neurotransmitters?
You must be exothermic because I think that you’re hot.
Hello… I’ve been admiring your bacterial signature.
Flourine, Iodine, and Neon must be your primary components because you’re so F-I-Ne.
Forget hydrogen you’re my number one element
Your body must be made of oxygen and neon because you are the ONe.
Do you like Science? Because I’ve got my ion you!
Let’s show Potassium and water that the two of us can make a more energetic reaction together than them!
Are you certain we haven’t had the same class before? I’m pretty sure we had great chemistry together.
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Trending Science Pick Up Lines For Crush
Oh, I see you’re made of Beryllium and Barium. You’re such a total Ba-Be!
Are you a non-volatile particle? Because you raise my boiling point.
You must be a compound of barium and beryllium because you’re a total BaBe.
Everyone knows its not the size of the vector that matters, but the way the force is delivered.
If there were no gravity on this planet, I would still fall for you.
I must be a diamond because you gave me a hardness of 10.
Even if there wasn’t gravity on earth, I’d still fall for you.
Are you into science? Because I LAB you!
Do you want to share some electrons? Maybe we could have a stable relationship.
I’m so strongly attracted to you, scientists will have to discover a fifth fundamental force
Woah, is that an earthquake? Or did you just rock my world?
Do you want to help me prove that the Big Bang isn’t just a theory?
Do you have 11 protons? Cause your sodium fine.
Do you want to extract some protein from my column?
You make me hotter than sulfur hydroxide mixed with ethyl acetate.
Girl gave me Arsenic Sulfide so I tore that AsS up
Hey baby, wanna form a synapse with me and exchange neurotransmitters?
I must be magnesium and you must be oxygen because I light up when I’m with you.
We have such great chemistry that we should do some biology together.
Billions of neutrinos penetrate you every second…Mind if I join in?
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Flirty Science Pick Up Lines
Girl are you a charged atom, because I’ve got my ion you.
You must be made of uranium and iodine because all I can see is U and I together.
Just say the word and I’ll be more than willing to fill your orbital?
You’re like an exothermic reaction. You spread hotness everywhere.
Baby, you must be a pile of dinosaur bones, cause I dig you!
Hey baby, why don’t you get your ligase working on my okazaki fragment and lengthen my strand.
You couldn’t be more stunning if you were a laser.
You’re so hot that you would make a nuclear reactor meltdown.
Hi does your body consist of Oxygen and Neon?, because you are the ONe.
Engineers don’t know the first thing about pleasing a woman. Friction alone can’t get the job done.
Do you have 11 protons? Cause you’re sodium fine.
If I was an enzyme, I’d be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.
My love for you is like the universe — never-ending!
Can I be the phasor to your electron and take you to an excited state?
Girl whenever I am near you, I undergo anaerobic respiration because you take my breath away
You are hotter than a Bunsen burner.
Hey, are you an alpha carbon, because you look susceptible to backside attack!
We must be galvanic cells because there’s definitely electricity
Can you tell me the oxidation state of this atom? If you can’t, then you can tell me your phone number instead?
Every orbital in my life is half-filled without you.
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Pick Up Lines For Science Students
Heisenberg was wrong. I’m certain about what you’re doing tonight.
Let’s get together sometime. You bring your beaker and I’ll bring my stirring rod.
If I had a choice between DNA and RNA, I’d choose RNA because it has U in it.
Your angles must be less than 90 degrees, because I think that you are so acute.
Are you the result of the combination of Copper and Tellurium? That’s because you’re so Cu-Te!
You’re hotter than sulfuric acid and sugar and you smell twice as sweet.
My favorite element on the periodic table is uranium because I am in love with U.
Copernicus was wrong, you are the center of my universe.
Let’s save water and shower together.
You must be a start codon, because you are turning me on right now.
In my own version of the periodic table of elements, the number one element is U.
If I were a virus, I would infect you with my love.
Hey, wanna put your alpha helix in my beta barrel?
Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you look really CU-TE to me.
When I’m near you I undergo anaerobic respiration because baby, you take my breath away.
Your infectious smile puts cholera to shame.
Are You A Volcano? Because I Lava You So Much!
Did you swallow a magnet? Because you’re attractive.
Hey, want to swap oxidation numbers?
Neutrinos might have the mass, but I’ve got the length.
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Science Lover Pick Up Lines
I don’t need a transducer because I know you’re hot!
Let’s find our combined volume by displacing the liquid in my waterbed.
Just like a blue supergiant star, you’re exceedingly hot and extremely bright.
Do you want to share some valence electrons? This way, we can have a stable relationship.
If my right leg is the cell wall and my left the membrane, do you want to be the cytoplasm?
You must have an extraordinary heat capacity because you are hot!
By any chance, is your atomic number 11? Well, it’s because you are sodium fine!
Hey baby, would a little more alcohol catalyze this reaction?
You make my myocardium pump blood through my circulatory system fast.
If I were an enzyme, I’d be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.
My Love For You Is Like The Universe… Never-Ending!
Didn’t you know that chemists do it periodically on the table?
I could complete your valence shell.
Could You Tell Me The Oxidation State Of This Atom And Your Phone Number?
Hey baby, want to form a zygote?
hey baby, lets figure out the torque of your mass on my rod
Don’t you hate it how the coyote always remains suspended in midair until he looks down? It’s just SO misleading.
Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you.
Forget hydrogen, you’re my number one element.
You must be phylum because you seem to be above class.
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Pick Up Lines For Science Teacher
Baby, together U and I make uranium iodide (UI3)
You’re hotter than sulfuric acid and sugar and you smell twice as sweet.
Permit me to restructure the periodic table of elements and I would place U and I together.
Are you an exoplanet? Because I’m bad at astronomy and pick up lines.
Can I be your enzyme? because my active site is dying for a chemical reaction.
Hey baby, can I be your enzyme? because my active site is dying for a chemical reaction.
Are you the sun? Because you’re the center of my universe.
Can I bombard your singularity with my rocket ship until you supernova?
Hey, up for some high-energy quantum tunneling tonight?
Even if a concentration gradient tries to separate us, I will do everything I can to cross it just to be with you.
Hey baby if i supply the voltage and you a little resistance, imagine the current we can make together (V=IR => (V/R)=I)
Your Infectious Smile Puts Cholera To Shame.
Hey girl, are you a ventricle repolarization? Because you are a QT.
Do you know why Uranium is my favorite element on the periodic table of elements? That’s because I love U!
Even If I Was T-Rex, I Would Find A Way To Hug You.
Combine Beryllium, Gold and Titanium together and we get you—a mesmerizing Be-Au-Ti!
Whenever you’re nearby, I reach my melting point.
Your clothes look great on you, but they would look even better accelerating towards the floor at 9.8 m/s.
Do you like Science?, cause tonight your gonna sample my DNA
You and me, baby, we’re stuck like glu-cose!
Nerdy Pick Up Lines Science
You have got some action potential, so you must be a neuron.
Would you like to do some radiometric dating on this rock that I have for you?
I undergo anaerobic respiration when you’re near because you take my breath away.
I am a chemist. Want to get together and see the reaction?
Would you like me to do you periodically on the table?
I know millions of Pi digits, but what I really want to know is the 7 digits of your phone number.
Are you full of Beryllium, Gold and Titanium? Because you are Be-Au-Ti-Ful.
You’re just like amylase because you make everything taste sweeter.
Chemists do it on the table periodically.
If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I’d have a galaxy in my hand.
Your lips may be saying no, but your endorphins are saying yes.
Hey baby. It’s massive. You know what I’m talking about.
Do You Want To Be My Lab Partner? I Think We Could Have Some Great Chemistry Together.
How about we go back to my place and form a covalent bond?
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Final Word
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