20+ Student Pick Up Lines [Law, Medical, Nursing]
Student Pick Up Lines:- Here is the best collection of students that you can use in your tuition, colleges, and even in your class. Here are some of the best pick up lines for students.
Read More:- Best Collection Of Pick Up Lines
Best Student Pick Up Lines
Hey girl, are you student debt…? Cause I want you to fuck me all day, every day.
Damn girl, you must be my student loans Because my interest in you is sure on the rise!
Can I be your student? And you be my headmaster 😉 (Student Pick Up Lines)
Are your student debt? Because you’ll be with me forever
For students: I’m new here so… Do you know where I can get access to your student body
You make me happier than a canceled lecture.
Have you been tanning? Because you’re as orange as the Aletta Jacobshal.
Are you the Hoornsemeer? Because I’m drowning in your eyes.
Do you live close to the station? Cause Dam-studies. (Student Pick Up Lines)
I would take bus 15 if it would bring me to you.
You are the prettier than the “Drie gezusters.”
Read More:- Class Pick Up Lines
Are you the Groninger Museum? Cuz I want to learn all about you.
Are you microwave in the UB? Because I want you in my life.
Are you a tower? Because I want to buy you a Martini.
Want to go to the Universiteitsmuseum and learn about each other’s bodies? (Student Pick Up Lines)
Sorry, but you owe me a drink. [Why?] Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine.
You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.
There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn’t have your number in it.
For College Students, I wanna do you as I do you like my homework, slam you down, and do you all night!
Request quick!!! There is a girl sitting alone on the other side of the student lounge blonde with blue eyes and beautiful. Need a pickup line quick!!!
Pickup line for Becky. A psych student who likes rock, games, and films. (Student Pick Up Lines)
Are you my student loans? Because i think you’re going to fuck me for a few years.
Read More:- College PIck Up Lines
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