20+ The Simpson Pick Up Lines TESTED {FUNNY, CHESSY}
We all know the Simpson family. They’re funny, they’re relatable, and they’re always getting into wacky situations. But did you know that the Simpson family can also be used to pick up dates?
That’s right, with a little help from the internet, you can find some hilarious Simpson pick up lines to use the next time you’re out on the prowl. So whether you’re looking for love in Springfield or just a good laugh, check out these Simpson pick up lines!
The Simpson Pick Up Lines

What better way to show your love for your favorite animated family than by using one of these Simpson pick up lines?
- Marge, I’m not really sure what you see in Homer, but I’m pretty sure I could do a better job.
- I’m like Mr. Burns, I’m only interested in one thing: money.
- Bart, I’m not really sure what your problem is, but I’m pretty sure I could help you fix it.
- I’m like Lisa, I’m always looking for new and interesting things to learn.
- I’m like Moe, I’m always looking for a good time.
- Hey, if you Spring for me, I’ll Fall for you. Please don’t hit me.
- Listen, do you happen to have a blind twin sister?
- What’s your sign, baby? Mine’s “No Fat Chicks.” Simpson Pick Up Lines
- I’m not officially a hunchback, but if you find that kinda thing romantic, I’m pretty much there.
- Baby, watch out! You got so many curves you’re makin’ me carsick!
- Baby, you need a “YOU ARE HERE”, sign on your forehead ‘cuz I am lost in your eyes.
- Can I buy you a drink? It’ll help you tolerate my face. And my voice. And my smell.
- Holy God, I shouldn’t even be talkin’ to you. it’s like a disfigured rat chattin’ up a unicorn.
- Hey, if you Spring for me, I’ll Fall for you. Please don’t hit me.
- Hi, my name is Moe. Or as the ladies like to refer to me , “Hey you in the bushes”
- Can I buy you dinner? You obviously like strappin’ on the feedbag.
- Honey, it’s all right if you got a temper, ‘cuz I can take a punch.
- (Or if you wanna get a good look at here rack…) baby, mind if I put some breadcrumbs down your blouse, ‘cuz I am lost in your eyes.
- Hi. Please don’t mace me. Simpson Pick Up Lines
- Noy you are a girl worth puttin’ on deodorant for.
- Finally! You’re here! I ordered a tall drink of water and hour ago!
- Darlin’, standin’ next to you does the impossible… it makes me even uglier.
- Hi, my name is Moe. Or as the ladies like to refer to me , “Hey you in the bushes”
- Lets go watch “The Simpsons”, you can be Marge and I can take you Homer!”
- To alcohol! The cause of, and solution too, all of life’s problems.
- Babe, you owe me a buck thirty-nine: you’re so hot, you curdled the yogurt in my fanny pack.
- Baby, you need a “YOU ARE HERE”, sign on your forehead ‘cuz I am lost in your eyes. Simpson Pick Up Lines
- I saw weird stuff in that place last night. Weird, strange, sick, twisted, eerie, godless, evil stuff. And I want in.
- Holy God, I shouldn’t even be talkin’ to you. it’s like a disfigured rat chattin’ up a unicorn.
We hope you like our Simpson Pick Up Lines collections. If you do then please let us know with your comments. Also if you find this post helpful then share this video with your friends.
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