90+ Army Pick Up Lines
Army Pick Up Lines:- Do you want to impress an army officer? Do you want to date a hot and sexy army officer? If yes then this post is just for you.
Everyone knows how gentle and professional army officers are. It’s hard for a civilian to start a romantic conversation with them. But don’t worry today in this post you will get the best army pick up lines so that you can impress these hot-looking persons.
Read More:- Occupational Pick Up Lines
ToggleArmy Pick Up Lines
Can I put my gun in your holster?
Can I see your battle buddy?
Check your six I’m coming in!
Hey you wanna go and PT?
Drop and give me 69!
Wanna clean the head?
I bet you give great Kevlar!
Contact rear.
Can l prick your 9?
Baby, you put the ‘fox’ in ‘foxhole’.
Banana show anyone?
Can I attack your chow hall?
Can I foxtrot India November golf echo Romeo you?
Army Pick Up Lines For Her
Babe, are you an officer? Cause you just made my privates stand at attention.
Can I whisky tango all over your foxtrot?
Target aquired, weapons hot, cleared to engage.
Are you a general because you make my private stand at attention?
Are you in the Air Force? Cause your hotter than the engine of an F-22A Raptor.
Asking for permission to enter friendly lines. Permission granted?
Babe, you’re like the assault cutting score cause you’re making me go up, up and away
Baby you can read me better than U.S. Army ordinance on an AT-HS.Can I do SABC on you?
Care to accompany me on a quiet, romantic, moonlit beach for a 5-mile hike and a hundred push-ups?
Damn you fine! What’s YO laundry mark?
Did you just fall out of a B-7? Because you’re the bomb.
Do you know how to clean a gun?
Do you mind if I be YOUR Jody for tonight?
Drop and give me 2 – on my lap.
Girl you want to see my glowstick and PT with me!
Dirty Army Pick Up Lines
Grab it by the 6-inch barrel.
Have you any idea how to clean one gun, because I’d like you to clean up mine this moment.
Have you been laid recently? Because I have a charge 8 stick with your name on it.
Hey babe are you a weapon? Cause I’m about to make you condition one.
Hey babe, wanna swab my deck?
Hey baby, can I shoot some rounds center mast?
Hey baby, I can’t put you in the Corps but I can put the Corps in you.
Hey baby, I’d swab your poopdeck any day.
Hey baby, lemme put my oorah in your who-ha.
Hey baby, wanna cock my shotgun?
Hey baby, you delta tango foxtrot?
Hey girl, since I’m a red head, I’m gonna put you on fire watch.
Hey girl, you didn’t need to say zero to make me freeze.
Hey girl. Nice club foot. You want some Tricare?
Hey LT, wanna evac this bar and go see my hangar?
Funny Pick Up Lines
Hey sweetheart, let me tell you about the pink sock.
Hey there, wanna be my AR 5 tonight: tap, rack, bang?
Hey you let’s go practice our morale!
Hey you my roommate is going out tonight.
Hey you wanna be a Marine? No? Wanna make little ones?
Hey, girl, you thinking of riding my torpedo, you can ride any time for as long as you like.
Hi, is your name Wagner?
How about you lock your bolt to the rear and I’ll insert a round in the chamber?
I always wrap it before I rack tap bang so what do you say we pop off these saved rounds?
I bet u wouldn’t mind zeroing my rifle would you??
I came for the boots but I stayed for the dependents.
I can stand at attention for hours, wanna play formation?
I forgot my CIF gear. Looks like this little marine is going in slick.
I’ll land this osprey in your LZ any time.
I’m about to flank you from the rear.
Pick Up Lines For Army Officers
I’m about to hasty ambush that bunker.
If you like military, you must like me, I’m from there, let me show you what that means, girl.
Is that an M or are you just happy to see me?
Is that your 6? Or are you just happy to see me?
Is your back blast area all clear? Cause this rocket is wants you to blow.
Let me get those ten digits and ill fire for effect
Lets play war, I’ll lay down, and you blow the hell outta me.
Soldier, I’m admiring your strategic frontal mammary tissue mounds, two each.
Stand on the yellow footprints and prepare for receiving
Target acquired, we are weapons hot, cleared to engage.
The head of t the COC is ready for you mam.
Uncle Sam ain’t the only one who wants you.
We are gonna comm until it hertz baby!!
Women? You mean lotion and a sock?
Flirty Lines For Army Officers
Wow, my CAC NEVER fit this way!
You can sit on my post any day
You look like a rebel. Wanna mess with government property?
You on patrol? I wouldn’t mind you patrolling with the mighty fine me.
You put the R.E in MRE
You’ll only have to give me one pushup soldier, if it’s your bra.
Your perfume reminds me of napalm in the morning.
Would you like to see my glow stick and PT with me?
Do you happen to be a weapon? Because I am about to make you condition one.
Would you like to swab my deck?
I would love to swab your poop deck any day.
I am a red head, so I am going to have to put you on fire watch.
You did not need to say zero to make me freeze.
Am I permitted to shoot some rounds centre mast?
Would you like to be my AR 15 later tonight?
Let us go practice our morale, you in?
Do I tell you about the pink sock?
Does your name happen to be Wagner?
Would you mind if I zero your rifle? I would love to, if you let me.
Is that your 60 or are you just happy to see me?
Would you like to apply a light coat of CLP to my barrel?
The only thing missing from your SL-3 is ME.
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