80+ Dentist Pick Up Lines
Dentist Pick Up Lines:- Dentists: they’re everything you never knew you wanted. Good looking, smart, and caring, they’re the total package. If you’re single and haven’t had much luck with the opposite sex, it might be time to give dentists a try. Here are some pickup lines that are sure to score you a date!
Read More:- Occupational pick up lines
ToggleDentist Pick Up Lines
Aye babe! Wanna get drilled?
You’ve got a great smile.
I need to fill your cavities.
Baby, it’s time to probe your gaps.
Can you feel this?
Open wide… no not your mouth.
And its time for your check up.
Are you ready to get drilled?
It’s time to probe your gaps.
I have a cavity in my heart and I wonder if you can fill it. (Dentist Pick Up Lines)
Good news, I lost some teeth today this means I have more room for your tongue in my mouth.
I’m gonna drill you so hard that you’ll be sore for a week.
Hello there little lady, Looks like you’ve got a hole that needs filling.
Just stick your tongue out farther for me.
Do you need dental floss? I’ll give you some for free if you have dinner with me.
Dentist Lines
I am going to punch you in the mouth with my own mouth softly because I like you.
Have you ever slept with a dentist? Want to?
You should be a dental specialist, since I can’t grin without you.
Do you know, my tongue is a dentist.
Do you mind if I melt in your mouth.
I’m sorry I had to spit again but looking at you makes me salivate.
You’re a piece of gorgeous sight and I have a sweet tooth.
Your teeth are so lovely are you a dental specialist.
I’m like a dentist, I’ll drill you and fill you.
You are loaded up with pleasantness that I want to get a toothache in view of checking you out.
I hope you’re ready for me to probe your gaps. (Dentist Pick Up Lines)
I think that you are a dentist and you are certainly leaving a bad taste here inside my mouth.
Are you my wisdom tooth? Because something inside me is telling me to take you out.
It takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile, but it doesn’t take any to just sit there with a dumb look on your face.
Hey girl! Semen contains zinc and calcium, both of which are proven to prevent tooth decay.
Sweet Tooth Pick Up Lines
I want to be the caretaker of your smile because it’s lovely, would you allow me to do so?
Stick your tongue out farther for me.
Can you feel me probing your tongue? Now, just open wide and we can get started, girl.
Utilize dental floss? Could me recruiting you as my own mentor at some point over lunch?
Your teeth are like stars. Somewhat yellow and extremely far separated.
Quit disrobing me with your eyes! Utilize your teeth!
You have pretty teeth you must be a dentist.
You sure have white teeth, you should brush them! (Redneck)
If I was a dentist, I should totally get away from you because I might get cavities coz of you.
Babe, I assure you, not all things like candy are bad for your teeth, mine has calcium with it! (Dentist Pick Up Lines)
Are you a dentist? Because you leave a bad taste in my mouth.
You’re so sweet. I’m getting a toothache simply checking you out.
The best thing about my calling is that I get to bore and fill a great deal of young lady clients.
Your father should be a dental specialist, you have such a wonderful grin.
I’ve got skittles in my mouth, wanna taste the rainbow?
Braces Pick Up Lines
If you were a tooth you’d be the upper left lateral incisor.
My next appointment is 6 months from now? Any chance of seeing you sooner, maybe over coffee?
I’m not a dentist. But you look like you need a cavity filled.
You should be a dental specialist, because you give me a negative impression.
He S#xy! I’m gonna drill you so hard that you’ll bleed.
Let’s play dentist; first I knock you out and then I fill all your cavities.
Looks like you’ve got a sweet tooth.
I’m drowning in the sun and need mouth to mouth now.
You’ve a decent grin. Would I be able to be your dental specialist?
I have some skittles in my mouth, just incase you want to taste the rainbow? (Dentist Pick Up Lines)
Hey girl, if you were a tooth, you would be an upper left lateral incisor!
At times, I wish you were my own arrangement of teeth with the goal that I can crush into you the entire day.
You should smile, your teeth should breathe as well.
Smile, it lets your teeth breathe.
Are you a dentist? Because you’re so sweet I’m getting cavities!
Toothpaste Pick Up Line
I wish you were my teeth so I could grind you in my sleep.
I’m like a dentist, I’ll drill you and fill you.
Your a piece of gorgeous sight and I have a sweet tooth.
Your teeth are pretty. You appear as though you floss routinely.
Would you like me to teach you how to floss?
I’ve got a cavity in my heart, maybe you can fill it
Hey girl! Sêmên contains zinc and calcium, both of which are proven to prevent tooth decay.
Hello there little lady, Looks like you’ve got a hole that needs filling. (Dentist Pick Up Lines)
Suck on this for just a second.
Hey baby, I’m a dentist. Why don’t you lie back and let me fill your cavities.
I’m drowning in the sun and need mouth to mouth now.
I want to melt in your mouth.
All things considered, you can call me a dental specialist cause I can penetrate and fill you.
Your polish isn’t the main thing that is difficult.
I have something you can put good use to your tongue in, want to try that one out, too?
Dirty Dentist Pick Up Lines
Let’s play dentist, first I knock you out then I fill all your cavities
Looks like you’ve got a sweet tooth.
I’m no dentist. But I can give you a filling
Your gums look touchy. Allow me to cut them with this jail knife.
Hey baby, I’m a dentist. Why don’t you lie back and let me fill your cavities?
I can see you’ve got a sweet tooth, no wonder you’re so into me.
You don’t need to disrobe me with your eyes Hunny, go on, utilize your teeth.
You’ve a nice smile. Can I be your dentist?
You are excessively sweet to your benefit that I put everything on the line could do without you also.
I can see you drooling a bit, is that because you think I look hot and awesome, darling?
You’re a piece of sight to behold and I have a sweet tooth. (Dentist Pick Up Lines)
I am going to punch you in the mouth with my own mouth softly because I like you..
You’re sweet to the point that I’m getting a toothache simply checking you out.
I see that it might be time to prick that gap of yours in between your legs using my tongue.
Hey girl, it seems you have a hole that needs some drilling.
Toothpaste Pick Up Line
I wish you were my teeth, so I could grind you in my sleep.
You should be a dental specialist since you cheer my mouth up.
Are you a dentist? Cause I’d love to fill your cavity
What has 148 teeth and keeps down the mind-blowing mass? My Zipper.
Please can you suck on this for just a second?
I hope you don’t mind getting drilled.
Are you a dentist? Cuz I’m just tryna get some Oral, B.
Is your father a dentist? Because you have a beautiful smile.
Can you stick your tongue out a little further for me? (Dentist Pick Up Lines)
You have a delightful grin, I bet you floss routinely.
I wish I would melt in your mouth.
Open wide.
The way that I’m feeling the loss of certain teeth just intends that there’s more space for your tongue.
Hey baby, if you were a polishing disc, you’d be a superfine.
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