63 Police Pick Up Lines [TESTED]
Police Pick Up Lines:- Police officers have a tough job. They not only have to contend with criminals on a daily basis but also with wacky public interactions. And in case you didn’t know, cops are people too. So sometimes they get tongue-tied when they see someone they’re attracted to. Here are some of the funniest police pick up lines from around the internet.
Read More:- Occupational Pick up Lines
TogglePolice Pick Up Lines
COPS!! Spread em’.
Drop ’em!
I’m a police officer!
I’d love you to frisk me.
I love a man in uniform
Spread em’!!
I hear cops like a big bust.
Are you going to come quietly?
Ever seen a baton this big?
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of my bed.
Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged.
Excuse me, ma’am, there has been a tragedy episode and I want your number to settle it.
Excuse me ms, I will capture you for upsetting the harmony… in my jeans !!
Excuse me, ma’am. there’s been a report of a degenerate around. I must residue you for fingerprints.
Young lady, would you say you are a cop? [No] Cause you’re America’s Finest
Cop Pick Up Lines
Did I tell you that I live next door to Dunkin Donuts?
Do you know how fast you were going when you fell from heaven?
I always turn on my siren when I spot a siren.
Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Babe, you can’t go anywhere actually cause I gotta 10-4 you to me.
Bulletproof vest? Nah. It’s all muscle.
Do I have to arrest u to get u to love me?
Excuse me, ma’am. there’s been a report of a deviant around. I’m going to have to dust you for fingerprints.
Girl, you are under arrest for…taking my breath away.
How about you cock my gun?
Howdy, I’m Officer Watson, and you’re a Person of Interest…in my jeans.
I pulled you over in light of the fact that you were causing a moving infringement… in my jeans.
I won’t hold back to set my implement against you on the off chance that you don’t go along to me, miss.
I must sleeve you and take you downtown.
I’m thinking of you a ticket – you have “fine” composed all over you.
Police Officers Pick up Lines
I have a great idea for those handcuffs.
I’ll play good cop if you’ll play bad?
I’m ready to enforce the law of attraction.
Is your dad a traffic cop? Because you got fine written all over you.
My cuffs or your cuffs tonight?
Step out of the vehicle. Walk a straight line into my life.
Stop! Don’t you know it is illegal to look that fine?
Want to plant something on me?
Want to play good cop bad cop?
What can I say? You got me at homicide.
You are under arrest for not giving me your number.
Anything you say can and will be used against you… so say, my name baby!
Are you carrying a concealed weapon or are you just happy to see me?
Bullyproof vest? Nah, it’s all muscle.
Can I see your license, coz I never knew angels could drive?
Pick Up Lines For Police Officers
I’m keeping in touch with you a ticket. “Fine” is composed all over you.
I’m prepared to uphold the pattern of good following good.
I’m keeping in touch with you a ticket – you have “fine” composed all over you.
Assuming being provocative was a wrongdoing, you’d be liable as charged.
Im must sleeve you and take you downtown.
We should go to my place for some secret work.
Ma’am we’ve had a few grumblings that you’re overall excessively attractive. I must capture you.
Pleasant uniform, it would look incredible at the foot of my bed.
Not here to bust you. Be that as it may, we are hanging around for your bust.
When you rooster my gun, it’ll definitely go off.
Someone call the police, since it must be illicit to look that benefit!
Stay with me and those lights won’t be the main thing blazing.
That is a powerful enormous “streak light” you have there official… .
Theres A 2-1-1 In Progress, You Are Stealing My Heart.
How else do you manage that evening stick?
You reserve the privilege to stay quiet, yet I question you will.
Do you believe I should have a good time with you?
You would do well to sleeve me official; I don’t have to arrange consent for this erection.
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